
God in Heaven

God, Allah, The Father is, in my experiencial knowledge, a real spirit, the One who focuses attention on what is for the good of those people who truly have His grace and follow Him "Do my prophets no harm" and seeks we do what will benefit and save such people. He saves as part of His being good. He especially saves those who believe in Him and have His grace. This distinguishes Him from all others in that only He is truly good in and of Himself. Jesus The Prince (The Christ) is good by having God in Him and by being in God (Allah) who He famously called the Father. He shows in what He does just how good and fatherly this God is who is the most high lord over all spirits. This is still knowable today, I find. So He truly has places we call the heavenly places. I think the finds of crystal caves suggest what such places must be, inhabited by God (Allah) and Christ Jesus (The Prince) and such spirits as God allows near. From God comes another Spirit like a river from the holy place that has God's throne and this spirit comes alongside like an assigned advocate lawyer to console and comfort the blessed ones who believe God and what God says, the truth.