
Truth sets free

There was a time long ago when a prophet was shown by angelic spirits and a holy God how from the beginning there had been a being known to him as the Lord of Spirits (or some Sumerian equivalent term because this prophet was a Sumerian king born in the Stone Age as we call it now) and always since before time began there was one with this Lord of Spirits called the Son of Man whose name was invoked to create all things and make them behave as the Lord of Spirits commanded. This Son of Man continued with this Lord of Spirits and over the centuries and thousands of years that followed few knew He existed until one day at the time the Lord of Spirits appointed a baby boy was born who was the incarnation of this Son of Man so that He could grow to adulthood like any child and become a lamb for sacrifice. At an appointed time in fulfillment of prophecies written in scriptures He was handed over to evil men and suffered a was crucified and rose from the dead and by His blood great forgiveness of wrongs committed by humans around the globe throughout time against the Lord of Spirits and even against other humans can be forgiven. The present day has times when He is revealed yet still to those who love Him enough to keep His sayings and commands. Soon all will see Him as He comes in the clouds. Then for a thousand years the Lord of Spirits will give Him to rule the nations and He in turn give His overcoming followers to rule the nations with an iron rod. Then when all enemies of His are subdued and the thousand years ends He will hand back the kingdom to the Lord of Spirits, His God and Father. Then all things will be remade anew and all will be judged eternally either in fire or eternal life with God and His Son and His sevenfold Spirit and all the saints made holy by Lord Jesus Christ's blood. It is written. His teachings are available. Holding to them leads to learning truth. Truth sets free.

Truth is the way to life. Even eternal life. Lies are the way to just the opposite. Falsehood is the way to death. It only needs to be put aside in favour of life though and it can all change. Truth comes from revelation. It comes from accurate historic accounts by truthful people. The paradox was well known to ancient Greek scholars where a poet says "All Cretans are liars" but he being a Cretan himself: So what made this paradox meaningful? He was a prophetic poet and so "All Cretans are liars" really comes from a non-Cretan source - a Spirit of true prophesy. So a true prophetic spirit can break the stranglehold of lies by introducing truth in a spirit way which transcends the lying of the mouthpiece and audience. The Spirit of Truth therefore brings life into a situation of only death. It transcends the hopelessness of the situation by entering the situation without being corrupted by it. The Spirit comes into the heart when faith overcomes falsehood in that heart which can only happen when another individual speaks by that same Spirit - prophetically. The problem is you need a starting point - a reliable first speaker of Spirit-imparted truth who does not need it from someone else and then a reliable perfect person to impart this to the rest of us: Enter God the Father and His eternal Son from the beginning, Jesus the Christ, the Lord sent by the one true God who inspired Him and trained Him from the very beginning then sent Him to Earth filled with Spirit - the Spirit of Truth by whom He preached. Now the way is made open to all who believe this to receive the Spirit-inspired true preaching (like this) and learn the truth by adhering to the preached word. The power enters the heart that listens to the true preaching and that heart though lying by nature learns truth.

The real truth is this: THE CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. You probably already knew about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ but you need to let it into your heart. Perhaps over and over through your future life. There is more to receive from God who loved the world so much He sent this only begotten Son of His and gives you more that you need to fully save you. He gives Spirit. Graciously. Receive truth by receiving the Spirit of Truth who God can send you in Lord Jesus Christ's name. Put away all useless, foolish falsehood which is so weak and speak truth when you know and trust it exists and has real power for good and not evil. Live the truth you learn from this Spirit which is a command to you from God leading to love. Obedient love for God and your neighbour which comes from persistent adherence to this truth.

On reading the first chapter of Revelation it is marvelously all about the way both the God who is Father to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Himself exist constantly across the aeons of time both past and  future. Each is a real being. Each is supreme. Believing this is essential to being transformed from someone who is worthy of the lake of fire many years from now and transformed by Christ into a person (a priestly person) worthy of the Resurrection at Christ's return. Future aeons await you.

The opening chapter of the Book of Revelation has two passages of words from The Father, The God being, and from the Lord being, His Son, Jesus (The Christ) after which comes a passage of words quoted from 'The Lord, The God' who is and who is and who will be, the all-powerful Ruler. Here the God (The Father), united with The Lord (the Son of God) in one title shared between them in their unity as one - The Lord The God. In the name 'Jesus' is the truth that The Lord The God saves. Saves from unworthiness and from death and gives faith that overcomes the world. Faith that God is. Faith that God is and is. On and on living and real. And will be. Ever over aeons to come. All-powerful ever and ever. Faith that The Lord is. The being who is Jesus The Christ come from God having been in company of God over aeons past called The Son of Man among the spirits around The God who is and was and will be His Father. Faith The Lord is and is - continuous. Faith that Jesus was and is and will be. Once dead a little while having been made a human being then raised by power of The God to be ever and ever over all future aeons and aeons full of almighty power to rule with the Father who is and ever was and ever will be His Father, aeons past and aeons future. They are united and can speak as one The Lord The God almighty in rule. Blessed. One throne shared. Seven spirits coming out from that throne to seek us out who fear Him and deliver is from death in accordance with God The Father's will in Lord Jesus the Son's most high and blessed name.

So much truth of God is revealed in dreams and visions and miracles but their reality is a personally discerned as their grace gives this ability to discern. God the Father is. This can be known and is known by revelation and then proclamation. Jesus is alive and Lord. This can be and is known by His revelation of Himself then proclamation. Jesus reveals real lordship and the life He has though once dead a while shows the power and reality and life of God the Father who raised Him. Yet the crowning seal and proof of all this revelation yet personal discernment and faith is given by God in Jesus' name in the real manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the churches where God is believed. Manifestation is in powerful gifts of grace like genuine toungues of non human origin interpretated by gifts of this same Spirit corroborated by others with such gifts and telling the glory of Lord Jesus the Christ and the marvels of God and Lord Jesus in their Creation of planets and stars and this Earth and its living things. This happens from time to time in churches, I believe having witnessed it a little. The real and present Holy Spirit proves the truthful veracity of the reality of God and of Jesus His beloved Son.  And seals those who believe.

How mysterious is spirit. When something pervades our inner being and acts on it we might be experiencing a spirit. When we hear a truthful saying originating with the truthful God the Creator God it is His practice to allow our inner being to receive such a spirit and for it to be one who imparts truthfulness and righteousness and holiness to us to teach us and enable us to be truthful and to learn true righteousness like God's own true righteousness. This is the true righteousness seen in the life and actions of Lord Jesus when living among people two thousand years ago and proclaimed by His disciples ever since. It is a life-giving spirit who turns us away from an evil pattern of behaviour to live the way God wills us to live and start to become closer to God Himself in an improved and hope-giving relationship like Father with son or daughter. It continues as we continue to believe and hold to the true sayings from God through Jesus Christ, if we do so. It continues until we are truly those God is pleased to call His children and then continues for aeons with Christ Jesus keeping us who is alive and all powerful for all the aeons and always God's Son as He has been from before time began as we know it. So this Spirit of Truth from God is the Spirit of hope that is part of the ongoing partnership we have with Jesus who is the Christ and is The Lord living forever with God His Father.

Once people with Holy Spirit realise they have a teacher who is also their master - a Holy Spirit who is Himself a Lord - the humility follows where the attitude becomes a willingness and indeed a humble duty to learn from what this Lord Teacher has Himself to teach. The teaching He teaches is not even His own but comes immediately from Jesus The Lord and ultimately therefore from The Father the God. It is not for disciples to dictate what is the teaching they follow but to learn what that teaching is as they follow the Master of them who should be in duty of their allegience the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit who comes in His name. His name is a mighty force in the Universe by which all creation comes to be a continues its various paths of obedience to the God who was and is and is and will be the Creator.

We have the Gospel accounts of Jesus the Lord telling Simon the Pharisee not only the wise answer to a criticism Simon was thinking but also did so without Simon telling Him the thought or even thinking Jesus would know he had one in mind. So Jesus demonstrated the power of the Spirit within Himself plus the wisdom of the Spirit with a wisdom from God. A while ago I found the same characteristics evident in the Holy Spirit we receive in Jesus' name when we believe. It was on my mind that there might be an explanation to noticable things happening to me since I started fearing God rather than the people around me and it was about the deliverances I had started to find happening to me when I preferred fear of God over fear of opponents, even if the opponents had temporary power over me or I found myself at their mercy and they were abusing this. Rather than mishap befalling me when they took advantage of their situation it was instead befalling them and I had no power myself to affect this. As I pondered it after years of it happening it suddenly occurred to me as clear as ever that the verse I had always been taught as a child might be applying to me. This was a verse I knew by heart but did not know where it was in scripture: "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him." It occurred to out of the blue this might be appropriare and explain these happenings. Then suddenly as clear as a bell some words were spoken in my mind by a spirit - no idea how but I knew it was a spirit and was fairly sure it was the Holy Spirit but could happily be helped by some evidence it wasn't just my subconscious mind. It or rather He said: "Daniel three." So assured it would come clear if I looked that up in a Bible I went to the one in the next room I keep open. The chapter at first baffled me as to its relevance but I persevered because I was sure this was the Holy Spirit and a leading into truth. Near the end of the chapter there was the word "Angel" with a footnote. I almost guessed what that footnote would be and yes, never having seen it before (this was not my familiar Bible version) still there in the footnote was a cross reference to a Psalm. I guessed the next bit but looked it up. "The Angel of the LORD encamps around those that fear Him to deliver them..." Now it was proof to me this could only be a spirit outside myself plus that I was understanding rightly what had been happening to me and those around me and it had happened all the more to others in the past. I was being delivered. It was the LORD doing it and His Angel bringing it about and now His Spirit was so wisely proving it to me knowing what I was thinking too. So much like Jesus the Lord with Simon the Pharisee now the Lord the Spirit with this Stephen D Green thousands of years later but so much the same.

Another proof He gave was the way He let me witness speaking in tongues as a manifestation of Him. He let me hear it from a leader in a church I never knew before and at the same time He gave me the English words in my mind by spirit inspiration as the words were being spoken in the language of angels by the leader. I was too unsure of the people there to say out loud what I heard. Then the leader himself gave the English translation as it was given him by The Spirit from God and it was the same as the Spirit gave me in my spirit just before. This proved it was the same spirit in me and in the leader. It also proved the wisdom of this Spirit in how it was achieved. The power and wisdom. The words themselves proved the Spirit to be from the God of scripture because they matched the test scriptures give that the spirit acknowledges that Jesus is Lord, which was what the message was about. It even proved later to me that the same spirit inspired scriptures I never heard in a forgotten book of scripture I found later called the Book of Enoch whoch had words so similar in it that they could only have been inspired by the same Holy Spirit. Here I found a trove of other inspiration all about Jesus who it called The Son of Man.

Given that these proofs were made to me it was clear that the ancient prophesy of the Son of Man in the Book of Enoch must be true and authentic (as my knowledge of archaeology verified from details given in the book of predynastic Egypt not widely known until recently). So the picture of the Son of Man is inspired by the same Spirit inspiring the Apostles and now me and the same Spirit by whom Lord Jesus spoke and this leads to the conclusion Jesus of Nazareth is this Son of Man and when He taught "I am He" that is what He meant. (As also written in the prophesy scriptures of Isaiah.) So this proof extends to proof that Jesus is this person and leads to faith that this Son of Man who is Jesus of Nazareth is now known to be The Lord who God the Father makes Lord. This same one who then died on a cross and who God then raised from the dead and who afterwards stood on a beach and called out to His disciples as they fished in a boat off the shore to put their nets on the other side and they caught an abundance after which He fed them breakfast with fish He had cooked. This same Jesus who just twenty years ago revealed His existence and power to me too in answer to my prayers to God.

Believe He (the Spirit called Holy and the Spirit of Truth and the Lord Spirit) cannot lie. What He says you might not perfectly understand so relying on the understanding of what He says could leave you in error, mistaken. Trust instead that though you ponder His words as best you can with His help when He gives it, as you pray He will, trust that He Himself who speaks clearly cannot lie. There is no lying ability or tendency of any kind in Him. Take what He says and hold it with this in mind. He teaches honesty and teaches powerfully and authoritatively against lying and He has no hypicrisy in Him so He always tells truthfully what comes to Lord Jesus from the God who never lies. The word from God has the immense quality of being truth because it is the word of God. Lord Jesus is just like God who is His Father and never lies and gives true testimony always of what God gives Him as His word. So the Spirit takes from what is Jesus Christ's and, as Christ said, this is what He makes known, with faithful testimony just as Jesus in whose name He comes testifies in faithfulness and truth. This attitude leads to knowledge and faith and builds you up in His love for you and the others who so receive Him too. Thus are all who hear Him united in the faith.