
Friday 5 February 2021

Seven ways Jesus is the Son of God

 Seven ways Jesus is the Son of God

1. Firstborn over all creation: God made Him before anything else and then made everything through Him. So angels are sons but not firstborn sons. Jesus is firstborn over all creation. God gave Jesus to have life as a distinct person, alive in His own right, with life in Himself.

2. Jesus’ character has always been and always will be consistent with the character and righteous requirements of God: no lie is found in Him and He is in this way constantly like God and therefore a son of God.

3. God taught Jesus all His ways and showed Him all He does, lovingly raising Him in heaven before sending Him, keeping Him hidden as the Son of Man.

4. Virgin birth: The Only Begotten Son of God. No other being is begotten in this way by God. The Spirit of God caused Mary, a young maiden, a virgin, to bear Jesus as the only begotten Son of God.

5. Fulfilment of the prophecy of God to King David that a descendant of David would build the Temple for God and would be as a son to God in that if ever He needed chastisement God would chastise and restore Him and never let Him perish nor let His body ever see decay.

6. Twice God from the sky by the voice of an angel declared Jesus His beloved Son and declared His good pleasure in Jesus. So this too made Jesus the Son of God. The works of miraculous power God gave to Jesus also declared Him to be the Son of God.

7. Firstborn from the dead: When Jesus was crucified, God raised Him from the dead to live forever. The resurrection. The first of many others too who will rise to be fully sons of God. Raised by Jesus to be immortal.