
Sunday 8 May 2011

Who hounds the Hound of Heaven?

Living as I do in Stokes Croft, well-known as a center for anarchism, I have ambivalent feelings on anarchism. We recently had recurring riots yards from where I live - something to do with the opening of a supermarket despite objections from 'locals' (not sure whether or not they are locals or just people who make the Stokes Croft area a focus for their activist efforts). On one hand I bemoaned the attacks on that recently opened supermarket I had quickly come to love. On the other hand I appreciated the way the riots focused attention on the area and its community voice as distinct from the society that surrounds it and sometimes seems to suppress that voice. In fact I relish the way it gave me more reason to identify myself with my neighbours rather than the national government. You see I regard national government as a mixed blessing. I love the protection it gives me as a tax paying citizen and I love the police officers who have now and in the past stood up for my welfare out of a sense of decency and duty. Yet I know that the times in history when there are persecutions against people for their beliefs it is often as a result of the combination of people and their government. This toxic mixture can result in terrible times for the victims of persecution, whatever the government at the time. So I ask the question: Who hounds the Hound of Heaven? The Hound of Heaven being in my view the One above the clouds who seeks and saves those who believe but who so identifies with them that any action against them is action against Him. Hounding Him is persecution against His followers. Governments persecuted Him when He was on the Earth because the people of the time stirred them up against Him. They even killed Him but in so doing they unwittingly participated in the sacrificial slaying of the Lamb. That slaying, the flesh and blood offering satisfies believers' hunger for salvation and stays our hearts and souls as we face the certainty of our sins and future judgement. Yet that in no way lets off the hook the governments who are often so readily led by the jealous masses against us. Now He is raised by the One who sent Him, He tells us, urges us, to come out and be separate from the people and governments who so easily turn against us and to no longer live by their standards and wisdom because He ever lives to save us and judge those who are against us and we should not share in their judgement. Desist from hounding Him, from hounding His believers. Turn to loving Him and loving His believers.