
Monday 11 November 2019

What does it mean to prophesy?

What does it really mean to prophesy? Relating what God actually says. That is the point of being a prophet. Hearing what God actually personally says and searching out its meaning by human thought and relaying it as a human to other humans so it is accessible but still maintains as exactly as possible what God actually said and meant and made known. It is not easy because out of context it might be misunderstood so you have to try as best you can to convey the context too without detracting from the content. So it might be God (as with me indeed He did) gave the words “Israel has sinned!” together with a sign signifying the gravity of it (as indeed He did with a sign of mass surveillance like a vulture or eagle scanning the ground for prey), but saying it like that might sound racist or antisemitic when actually the message was not only targeted, you prophetically know, at Israel as a nation but rather Israel as those who hold God in reverence as supreme God. So very briefly you could say “Israel has sinned, says the Lord God” but it could be misunderstood, so you best do it in a situation where you are confident it will be received as intended, if possible, but otherwise you just do your best trying not to mislead or misinform.