
Saturday 14 November 2015


Personally I grew up in a pastor's home with everyone assuming I knew all I needed to know because I could quote scripture more than everyone else but I didn't even know what sexual immorality or sin meant having read the Bible for myself with nobody explaing such things because I was so young and by the time I should have understood everyone thought I must already know because I quoted the scriptures so much. Or maybe I annoyed them so much they were happy to keep me in the dark. Plus the scriptures told me not to major on meanings of words so anyway I still don't know what all those things even are. But I read to find out what rebirth means in Jesus' teaching (like a 'Zaccheus') wanting to see for myself. What I do understand a bit is lying and I don't understand much else (and I don't kniw all the meaning of what lying is in some ways either like is it a lie to hide truth or think an untruth or possible untruth in my head?). I find it clear that Jesus made a promise to each person who holds to His teachings and He was addressing mixed mental capability people including unschooled ones. His promise of righteousness seems to be very inclusive by majoring in John 8 on what is most obviously evil like lies and murderous love of people being killed and I can accept it on general terms like I'm sure He meant it - it is of Satan - a very powerful primal spirit influencing everyone in the Earth (or trying to do so) - and against God to lie and hate like that. This little bit I can accept and it seems enough for me and others. It is enough to hold to this clear understandable tenet of His and wait for His promise to be faithfully met by Him  while keeping these clear evils out of my life as others do too. His promise of truth that sets free seems to be fulfilled in two things that followed His John 8 sermon about this - His death for us to make a new truth exist - 'the gospel' of His crucifixion and resurrection - then the coming of a Holy Spirit to reveal and apply truth to the heart of the believer in this gospel.