
Tuesday 19 January 2016

What is Truth?

Truth in Nine Steps

Step 1 -  start with the truth of the testimony of the gospel
              Jesus Christ has given true testimony
              His Apostles too have testified truthfully
              especially that He is the Christ and He died for you
              God Himself testified in a voice thundering from
               the sky at the baptism of Jesus that this is His Son
               and He is a Son well pleasing to Him

Step 2 - believing this truth, reach outside yourself for life from God

Step 3 - appreciate that truthfulness is precious to God and reason:
              if God is all about truthfulness when giving testimony and
              Jesus well pleased Him, so Jesus too must be all about truth

Step 4 - receive the Spirit in answer to your reaching for life if you
              completed Step 2 in believing and discover in support of
              Step 3 that the Spirit too coming now from God is all about
              you testifying truthfully as He too testifies truthfully

Step 5 - learn partnership with God and Jesus and the Spirit of Truth
              by giving truthful testimony whenever you can regarding
              yourself and all this truth

Step 6 - set aside lies as they are unworthy of God and all this truth

Step 7 - following the truth you learn by keeping God-given truth and teachings
              receive more truth to transform you into a child of truth free to live
              according to it.

Step 8 - continue to live according to the truth as you learn it from the
              testimonies of God, Jesus and Apostles of His, Spirit and friends

Step 9 - keep all this truth to the end so that you remain in Jesus and He in you