
Tuesday 11 July 2017

"The Eye is the Lamp of the Body"

So many of the main highlights of the life lived following Jesus radiate out from heightened inner states with which we are blessed from time to time as we consider things we had too cloudy or cluttered or worried a mind to rightly contemplate before. This makes it worth it. Often factors seem to be involved that have something special about them and significance that we cannot quite put a finger on but we find they are likely there described very wisely in sayings of Jesus (if only we could understand them). So even if we don't understand a particular saying of Jesus it is important to remember and ponder it because likely later we will exeperience blessing or chastisement and realise what the saying meant. He was, by God's words given Him, describing things He Himself knew (having been made a human like us but without the sin) and knew deep goings on in the human mind and things the Holy Spirit does to inspire and bless. Greatest of all is that we ultimately need to have real genuine faith that Jesus is Lord and the Son of Man and be clear minded enough (as the veil is taken away from our hearts) to be able to perceive His glory and ponder it and become glorious too.