
Wednesday 10 November 2021

Modern Science and the Fallen Angels

 Here are the areas of magic which the Italian scientist Giambattista della Porta at the dawn of Modern Science identified as ‘Natural Magic’. Sorcerers leading up to this time in Italy, especially one named Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, as printing presses were able to disseminate knowledge far and wide (even knowledge condemned by the Church), had sought to distinguish two kinds of magic arts, natural, involving learning by experimentation on natural objects, and ceremonial, involving invocation of spirits. Notice how the list of natural magic arts includes areas of knowledge which the Book of Enoch says were introduced by angels to humans sinfully at the dawn of civilisation. This became the basis of Modern Science. 

Of the Causes of Wonderful Things

Of Changing Metals 

Of Beautifying Women 

Of Tempering Steel 

Of Strange Glasses

Of the Generation of Animals 

Of Counterfeiting Glorious Stones

Of Distillation 

Of Cookery 

Of Static Experiments

Of the Production of New Plants

Of the Wonders of the Load-Stone

Of Perfuming 

Of Fishing, Fowling, Hunting, etc.

Of Pneumatic Experiments

Of Increasing Household-Stuff 

Of Physical Experiments 

Of Artificial Fires 

Of Invisible Writing 

Of the Chaos