He who is Lord over all, Jesus Christ, was sent by God, and came into the world in flesh and blood, loved by God as His own dear Son. By believing this, His death on the cross tells me God is for us; for us so much! His resurrection to life (eternal life) shows us God's life-giving power in Christ; so much power! For those hoping in Christ, He is now our access to the Father with whom He is our Great High Priest. The hope we have is of His gift of righteousness - to become truly righteous, cleansed by Him, by His own precious, holy blood shed for us. All this is for the glory of God's name. To partake in Christ we have to keep hold of this hope steadfastly to the end. As a foretaste of the glory to come, He gives His Holy, life-giving Spirit to those who believe and are baptised (baptism binding them to Jesus Christ who died and rose for them).