Authority. All over the world things are done and duties fulfilled concerning authority. In the UK where I live the police bear the badge of the Crown as a mark of authority and people are generally required to obey police officers because of this 'name'. Usually this helps people understand their duty I would say and usually people comply so if police direct traffic or control crowds there is usually order (with notorious exceptions we can recollect and are reminded of constantly in the news these days with blame sometimes directed at official failings and sometimes at the people failing to obey). In Nature there is authority too, the Holy Spirit teaches, although scientists might deny it. In nature the name of authority obeyed as required by natural things is the name of authority of the Lord Jesus the Christ. Trees put out buds year after year by it. Tides ebb and flo by it. Moons orbit planets by it. Always as aeon succeeds aeon. This same Jesus as has always bourne this authority since time began and whose name has commanded Nature's obedience became a human with flesh and blood and was crucified and raised from the dead and now has again forever this position and glory He had with God The Father, His Father and God, from the beginning. Holding to the truth from God which comes to us through Jesus by the Spirit as we hold to His teachings we can be made as obedient as nature is to the authority of His Name, just as He too has been obedient to The One True God, His Father and His God, ever living.