This speculative timeline for Revelation 6 to 19 anticipates the culmination of apocalyptic events in 2060 with Christ’s return. The seals are opened from the 1940s through the 2050s, beginning with World War II and ongoing persecution, while the 144,000 are sealed around 2044. The trumpet judgments (Revelation 8-9) unfold between 2045 and 2050, with possible pauses extending them into 2052. The Two Witnesses (Revelation 10-11) preach during 2047 to 2055, overlapping with the rise of the Beast and 666 system between 2048 and 2056. The Bowls of Wrath (Revelation 14-16) are unleashed quickly from 2057 to 2060, leading to the fall of Babylon and the Battle of Armageddon, culminating in the Second Coming of Christ in 2060. This timeline provides approximate ranges, acknowledging potential overlaps and pauses between events.
— ChatGPT, 2024