
Sunday, 15 September 2024

A sure foundation for the future

 The wise build their lives on the rock: Jesus’ real teachings. They dig down to find them. Then hold to them and build on them. Their lives will endure the storms. If Jesus did not believe in a doctrine or preach it, nor his apostles, surely it is not wise to embrace it more than the teachings of Jesus. The future is unknown to humans unless it is revealed. Good revelations from Father to Son come from the Father who knows the end from the beginning. Jesus passes on what the Father gives him, when people follow Jesus and adhere to his words. His view of the future is wholesome to follow and withstands the tribulations to come: like building your house on a rock, not on sand. Pretences which are not the genuine teachings of Jesus might paint nice pictures for you of what they say is your future, but if they are not truly from the Father they are sand and building on them is building on sand. Woe when tribulation storms come, if you house is built on sand.