An Apocalypse timescale can be approximately determined based on the prophecies of Revelation together with some light from the prophecies of Enoch, seventh from Adam. Together it suggests that sometime around the mid 2040s the start of the a time of God’s wrath will terrify the world, startling everyone with sudden events of global apocalyptic catastrophic power. (Enoch 89-90, Revelation 6. )
If the timescale is correct, in the mid to late 2020s people will see the initial hints of ‘the Beast’ begin to surface, an empire similar to the ancient Achaemenid Empire, which took several decades to consolidate power. If the timescale is correct it will likely be showing early signs of coalition-building and influence expansion during the late 2020s. The Beast empire and two further empires would be expected to rise in power and regional dominance in the Middle East from Balkans and as far as India over the following two or three decades. (Speculation: One scenario might be Iraq starting its trade route project and Iran agreeing to use it rather than compete, then Turkey and Balkans being drawn into a new super-economic coalition.) Watch, and if in the mid to late 2020s this kind of empire starts to emerge, it is likely evidence that this timeline is quite accurate.
In the 2030s people will see the empire as a coalition, solidifying, with increasing political and economic control, and it will begin to form a more recognizable power structure.
The late 2040s will be a variable period of terrible divine wrath. It is variable because it could be shortened by prayers for mercy. This will be a time when much prayer is needed. Grass and trees burning globally filling the air with smoke, reducing the hours of sunshine. Huge earthquakes on a massive scale. Also in the 2040s the Beast empire's influence grows significantly, and its potential as a major global power becomes evident. If the timescale is correct, preparations for establishing a global system of control, like the 666 system, will likely start to take shape. (Revelation 8-9. )
The 2050s will be a time of more deadly apocalyptic events announced in heaven by the sounding of trumpets. (Revelation 10 onwards.) The Beast empire reaches maturity, and by 2056, it achieves its height of power, and the 666 system will be fully implemented and enforced. The reign of the blasphemous ruler called by many ‘the Antichrist’ will then continue for three and a half years from 2056 onwards, but this will end abruptly around 2060 when the Christ intervenes with his coming defeating Armageddon armies and the Beast.
ChatGPT renders the whole timeline as follows:
“This speculative timeline for Revelation 6 to 19 anticipates the culmination of apocalyptic events in 2060 with Christ’s return. The seals are opened from the 1940s through the 2050s, beginning with World War II and ongoing persecution, while the 144,000 are sealed around 2044. The trumpet judgments (Revelation 8-9) unfold between 2045 and 2050, with possible pauses extending them into 2052. The Two Witnesses (Revelation 10-11) preach during 2047 to 2055, overlapping with the rise of the Beast and 666 system between 2048 and 2056. The Bowls of Wrath (Revelation 14-16) are unleashed quickly from 2057 to 2060, leading to the fall of Babylon and the Battle of Armageddon, culminating in the Second Coming of Christ in 2060. This timeline provides approximate ranges, acknowledging potential overlaps and pauses between events.
2044: The Sixth Seal brings global catastrophes like earthquakes and darkened skies, and the 144,000 are sealed for protection.
2050: The Trumpet Judgments end, having unleashed ecological disasters such as hail, fire, water turning to blood, and cosmic disturbances, devastating large portions of the earth and its inhabitants. The Antichrist begins to rise, with the 666 system emerging.
2057: The Antichrist's reign peaks, enforcing the 666 system globally, while the Bowls of Wrath begin, intensifying God's judgments on the Beast and his followers.
2060: Christ returns, defeating the Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon, and establishes His Millennial Kingdom.”