Timeline: Apocalyptic Events Leading to 2060 and the Millennium, calculated and formatted by ChatGPT based on information provided to it in prompts based on the prophecies of Enoch and Revelation
1939-1945: World War II
- Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse (War):
- Global conflict affects a significant portion of the world, fulfilling the prophecy of widespread war and destruction.
Late 1940s-1950: Fifth Seal Broken
- Martyrdom and Persecutions Begin:
- Widespread persecution of Christians and other believers begins, particularly in totalitarian regimes during the Cold War era.
- The souls of martyrs cry out for justice, with this period extending for decades.
1950s-2040s: Ongoing Persecutions and Global Tensions
- Continued Religious Persecution and Global Conflicts:
- Persecution persists across various regions, along with increasing global conflicts and ideological wars.
- Signs of societal and environmental decay grow, setting the stage for future judgments.
2030-2044: Rise of the Modern-Day Lion, Bear, and Leopard Coalition
- 2030: Emergence of the Coalition (Iraq, Iran, Greece/Macedonia):
- Iraq (Lion/Babylon), Iran (Bear/Persia), and Greece/Macedonia (Leopard) form a coalition, reflecting their historical roles in Daniel’s vision.
- This coalition begins to influence global politics, economics, and military affairs, challenging existing powers.
- 2030-2044: Consolidation and Expansion of the Coalition:
- The coalition consolidates power, contributing to the destabilization of global order.
- This sets the stage for the rise of the First Beast, who will eventually dominate global affairs.
2044: Sixth Seal Broken
- Major Cataclysmic Events:
- A great earthquake, the darkening of the sun, and the moon turning blood-red signal the breaking of the Sixth Seal.
- Global fear as natural and possibly supernatural disasters strike, leading to significant geopolitical and environmental changes.
- The 144,000 are sealed as God’s faithful servants, protected from the upcoming divine judgments.
2045: The Beginning of Angelic Wrath (Trumpets)
- 2045-2047: The First Four Trumpets Sound
- First Trumpet: Hail and fire mixed with blood are thrown to the earth, burning a third of the trees and all green grass.
- Second Trumpet: A great mountain burning with fire is thrown into the sea, turning a third of the sea into blood and destroying a third of the sea creatures and ships.
- Third Trumpet: A great star (Wormwood) falls from the sky, poisoning a third of the rivers and springs, causing many people to die from the bitter waters.
- Fourth Trumpet: A third of the sun, moon, and stars are struck, causing a third of the day and night to be darkened.
2047-2050: Ministry of the Two Witnesses and Further Trumpets
- 2047: Appearance of the Two Witnesses:
- The Two Witnesses begin their prophetic ministry in Jerusalem, opposing the growing power of the First Beast.
- Their ministry lasts for three and a half years, during which they call people to repentance and perform miracles.
- 2047-2050: The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets Sound (First and Second Woes):
- Fifth Trumpet (First Woe): A star falls from heaven and opens the Abyss, releasing locusts that torment those without the seal of God for five months.
- Sixth Trumpet (Second Woe): Four angels bound at the Euphrates River are released, leading a vast army that kills a third of mankind through plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur.
2050: Death and Resurrection of the Two Witnesses
- 2050: Death of the Two Witnesses:
- At the end of their ministry, the Two Witnesses are killed by the First Beast, but they are resurrected after three and a half days and ascend to heaven, causing great fear among their enemies.
- 2050-2056: Rise and Height of the First Beast’s Power and the 666 System
- 2050-2056: Enforcement of the 666 System:
- The First Beast enforces the 666 system, making it mandatory for economic participation and social compliance.
- Those who refuse the Mark of the Beast face severe persecution and martyrdom.
2056: The Seventh Trumpet Sounds
- Third Woe:
- The Seventh Trumpet sounds, announcing the final stages of God’s judgment and the impending return of Christ.
- Loud voices in heaven declare, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.”
2057-2060: The Three-and-a-Half-Year Reign of the Antichrist and the Bowls of Wrath
- 2057: Start of the Antichrist's Reign:
- The Antichrist reaches the peak of his power, ruling for three and a half years with total global control.
- 2057-2060: The Bowls of Wrath (Final Judgments):
- First Bowl: Painful sores afflict those who bear the Mark of the Beast.
- Second Bowl: The sea turns to blood, causing all marine life to die.
- Third Bowl: Rivers and springs turn to blood.
- Fourth Bowl: The sun scorches people with intense heat.
- Fifth Bowl: Darkness engulfs the Beast’s kingdom, symbolizing the collapse of his power.
- Sixth Bowl: The Euphrates River dries up, preparing the way for the Battle of Armageddon.
- Seventh Bowl: A massive earthquake strikes, Babylon falls, and catastrophic hailstones devastate the earth, signaling the imminent defeat of the Beast.
2060: The Second Coming of Christ and the Start of the Millennial Reign
- Early 2060: The Battle of Armageddon:
- The final battle between the forces of the Antichrist and the forces of good takes place at Armageddon.
- The Beast and the False Prophet are defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire.
- 2060: The Second Coming of Christ:
- Christ returns in glory, bringing an end to the reign of the Antichrist and all evil forces.
- The dead in Christ are raised, and the living believers are transformed. Christ gathers His saints to reign with Him.
- 2060 Onward: The Millennial Reign Begins:
- Christ establishes His thousand-year reign on earth, ruling with justice and peace.
- The resurrected saints and faithful believers reign with Christ during this period, marking the beginning of the Millennium.
- Satan is bound during this time, preventing him from deceiving the nations until the thousand years are completed.
Post-Millennium: Final Judgment and New Heaven and New Earth
- After 3060: Final Judgment:
- After the thousand years, Satan is released for a short time, leading to one final rebellion, which is swiftly defeated.
- The final judgment takes place, with Satan, death, and all who followed him being cast into the Lake of Fire.
- New Heaven and New Earth:
- A new heaven and a new earth are established, where God dwells with humanity forever in peace and righteousness.
Summary of Key Points with the Millennial Reign
- 2030-2044: Rise of a coalition involving Iraq (Babylon), Iran (Persia), and Greece/Macedonia, leading to the emergence of the First Beast.
- 2045-2047: The sealing of the 144,000 followed by the start of angelic wrath with the Trumpets, beginning with the burning of trees and grass.
- 2047-2050: The ministry of the Two Witnesses, who preach repentance and are eventually martyred and resurrected.
- 2057-2060: The height of the Antichrist’s reign, followed by the Bowls of Wrath and his eventual defeat.
- 2060: The Second Coming of Christ, the resurrection of the saints, and the start of Christ's millennial reign.
This timeline maintains the focus on the progression of apocalyptic events leading up to the Second Coming of Christ in 2060, followed by His millennial reign. The angelic wrath events begin soon after the sealing of the 144,000, setting the stage for the final judgments and the ultimate defeat of the forces of evil.