
Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Martyrdom Glory

 Believing that in 2024 we are between the fifth and sixth seal times of Revelation, how does this affect us devotionally? There is persecution happening in big waves around the world, but on a day by day basis in lives of those who are trying “to live a godly life in Christ Jesus”. At the same time there are the normal crimes and injustices which can happen to anyone. We can pray when affected. However, the justice of God, which is generally something we can request as necessary, is now one of two possibilities. The other possibility this time in the apocalypse timeline is persecution which is building up wrath for the sixth seal. If we are truly being persecuted, and it is not mere random crime and injustice we are experiencing, it might be we are going to be one of the persecuted who God will avenge in wrath by the sixth seal and subsequent events. So God might not send justice the usual way, but in such a circumstance God might say: Wait. This is because wrath is coming. It will not come quite yet, not until the persecutions reach their limit and the full number of martyrs are killed which will trigger that wrath, paving the way for the sixth seal to be opened. Leave room for this possibility in your prayers. It is a glory to be avenged like this. Try not to take it into your own hands or plead for immediate justice if the cause of trouble is genuine persecution of wanting to live a saintly life in Jesus Christ. Let the answer to your prayer be the wrath to come, even if it far ahead. Even if you might not live to see it. You might be on the way to glory, even to martyrdom glory.