The modern day work of the Holy Spirit in Pentecostal churches and some of what He teaches through charismatic gifts leads to a conclusion that some or all of the ancient prophecies collected in the Book of Enoch were inspired by the same Holy Spirit in ancient times.
The Holy Spirit's lesson is truthful speech and truthful written testimony so those prophecies must be a work of truth since they are inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth.
Archaeology findings found in the last century dating from the time when the prophesies and testimonies in the Book of Enoch themselves record that they were first written down are evidence supporting these deductions.
They show a sudden emergence in Mount Hermon in Lebanon and in the surrounding areas of certain cultural arts that were previously not found anywhere. The evidence of these arts is found later and later in the local archaeological layers as you look further and further from the epicentre of Hermon, in places such as in the Levant coustlands, Cyprus and Egypt (Predynastic). This evidence is consistent with the testimony of the Book of Enoch which states that spirits watching over humans conspired on Mount Hermon to take very attractive human girls as wives and that they taught these wives and other people these same arts. The spread of these arts was a great evil in the world. The prophecy relates how God severely judged these spirits for spreading such worthless teachings: advanced metallurgy, face painting, writing, weaponry such as maces for killing or maiming other humans, astrology, sorcery and the like. The evil was even greater when offspring of the liaisons between these watching spirits and the girls became sorcerers of spiritually gigantic greatness. They wrought great evil and ruled over humans making the humans worship them.
Truth in the Book of Enoch relevant to our own times includes on one hand the truth that demons are real and include the ghosts of these sorcerers of such ancient times (around 3500 to 2500 BC) and on the other hand that supreme over the spirits of that time and now is the God who created all things and the Son of God called the Son of Man and the Elect One through whom God created and whose name spirits since such ancient times have invoked to overcome evils in the Earth like these demon ghosts. So clearly it means the coming Christ we know as Jesus who called Himself the Son of Man was there with God in ancient times before the pyramids or the dawn of races like the Semites.
The conclusion of this is that Jesus Christ is and for all of time been the one who was there with God the Creator Father as a son with a father by whose name nature has been obeying God doing His will in all natural lifecycles and planetary movements and stellar processes since they came into existence with God involving His beloved Son in all His creating and ruling from His glorious Throne. So He, Jesus, is Lord now He is risen but was with God reigning over all things and all angelic spirits since the very beginning. This was known by this prophet Enoch (it seems from archaeology the contemporaries or later decendants of Enoch called him Enmenduranna, meaning 'ruler between earth and heaven') who wrote about this Jesus so long before Jesus was born a flesh and blood baby knowing Him in His ancient times preincarnate form as the Son of Man who went always with God the Lord of Spirits. So Jesus knowingly invoked this truth known since ancient times when He introduced Himself and taught of His divine mission and purpose as the Son of Man who had come to die at the hands of evil men and rise from the dead.