The ancient Greeks were known for their wise sages. They were able to discern the workings of the Universe and the existence of laws of Nature organising how all things everywhere in the cosmos behaved. Some called it the great account and Heraclitus called it the Logos. Yet their wisdom, great though it was, fell short of what they needed to escape the doom of the Final Judgement Day because they did not discern the One Most High God. So Jesus came preaching and teaching and working miracles revealing God and calling God 'The Father'. When Jesus was executed, crucified, by jealous Jews there was a final great miracle revealing why God is The Father when God raised Jesus from the dead. The preaching of this can enable even fools to discern God and what God is like and stop sinning and believe, escaping from the doom of the Final Judgement Day with this Christ, Jesus, to help and set free from sinning. This is the glory of the preaching of the Christ and of Him crucified.