
Monday, 14 August 2017

The Spring Source

Many rivers start with a spring. If you want the water with the least impurities and the greatest clarity, go back to the spring where it starts. The ancients like Enoch - we are so lucky to have Enoch's writings in English. "You will do well to pay attention to them as to a light shining in a dark place." I long to look into them further and also discern what came even before these like the teachings of Kanan. There are extant texts we have from the times when such wisdom was still being passed from father or grandfather to son or grandson such as The Instruction of Sharappak. Remember the Holy Spirit has been speaking to humans from the beginning and still says the same kinds of things today so it is all relevant even to us today what was taught back then by those so inspired and theirs were times of the first water from the spring. The centuries of misinterpretations and denominations have muddied the later waters but luckily the denominations did not have these ancient texts to muddy so they are translated without so much of this bias and are not overridden in our minds and circles of discussion by such things.