If you look at what Messiah means (for example see Wikipedia entry) it is a special title given to a great ruler who uses his position and power to greatly save Israel. God gave the title to Cyrus. A ‘messiah’ could identify themselves with Cyrus who was of course the king of kings of Persia and Media (now Iran and the Kurdistan area). The USA and UK might say that like Cyrus they have used their power to create the State of Israel and continually save and champion it. Now that is a claim similar to a claim to Messiahship. The fact that Persia was famous for going into the background only to re-emerge later as Parthia is along the lines of it being called the bear in prophecy. The bear hibernates in winter and is powerless yet before that and after it revives it is full of deadly power. Persia is set to re-emerge again as part of the lion-bear-leopard first Beast empire. USA might say it is in the image of this Persia in that it created the State of Israel and champions it using its superpower status and therefore representing the Messiahly role Persia under Cyrus once had, given by God. Yet if it is false in any of this it might be a false Messiah. It should stay true and be faithful and not be a false champion of Israel but a true one. And stay out of future world takeover under the first Beast. If when the first Beast rises there is a boast of Messiahship on Americas part and claim to be a copy of Cyrus then it might be becoming the second Beast or laying its foundations.