
Sunday, 13 August 2017

Precious Promises

The words Jesus spoke to the disciples of His inner ring shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection provide a wealth of promises applicable to others who would follow Him faithfully. He gave such promises to provide a pathway away from the world into a fellowship with Him and with God who sent Him and with the Holy Spirit also sent by God in place of Jesus while He is away and fellowship one with each other so following Him, all fellows pulling the same set of oars to row, metaphorically, in the same direction - into the truth and the will of God. The promises provide a means to love Jesus by understanding and keeping in remembrance and either doing or preparing to do at some opportunity the commands and teachings and testimony He gave with hope that is real today that Jesus, alive now and evermore, will make Himself known and the Father make Himself known and the Holy Spirit make Himself known personally.