The Gospel of John (chapter 8) contains the clear understandng given by Jesus of God being not just human-creating but human-fathering. Jesus explained it as being Himself from Heaven with words from Heaven. The existence of the Son of Man, Jesus explained, shows God as not impersonal but having been in conversations with a human-like being in Heaven since before the dawn of time. This is the human-like Son of Man there as first of God's works. Therefore when God made humans and made them through this Son of Man in likeness of Him, God was not doing this for the first time but was making more people like His Son because He had made the Son of Man His Son to be never forsaken but there with Him always and these humans could be like that too. Then Jesus goes on to explain the relationship between the Son of Man and God and shows this fact about God is that He is Father to the Son of Man. So as Jesus reveals in words what His hearers would later realise in their understanding, once they crucified Jesus and He was raised by God from the dead, that He is this Son of Man now made flesh and blood and mortal, it becomes clear that God can be Father to mortals because they too can be resurrected to be immortal so they can truly know this Father.