
Saturday, 12 August 2017

Goodness and Severity

"Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God" (Romans 11:22) God is your judge and mine. He is severe. Stern. Yet He is good and kind and He Himself gives us the advocate to be the real representation we each need before Him - the Son of God, Christ Jesus. The cross they killed Jesus on is a sign of Jesus being from God for each of us. You too, whoever you are. The advocate killed? Yes so He can properly represent us before God because not only was Jesus truly killed but God truly raised Him from the dead; and not only that. Jesus is flesh and bone but He was not always flesh; no He is the Son of Man from the right hand of God in Heaven who was born but was in Heaven before that birth and in Heaven again now to intercede for those who embrace His advocacy for them with God. He is eternal and will ever be the same Jesus the Son of Man so His advocacy for you and me can continue forever so we too can become what God wants us to be, His eternal children with Jesus. A new advocate is here from God called the Holy Spirit now that Jesus has gone back to God and this advocate acts for us in Jesus' name once we accept Jesus. He applies Jesus' words and high authority as Lord into our lives. He is a spirit but eternal having always been acting like this for the few but now available to the many who ask for Him. All this to represent our eternal interests in the eyes of God. Why? So we need not die still failing ethically but can live and in living have more and more fruitful lives that continue forever past the Judgment into greater eternal knowledge of the eternal Father, God. Peace to you and grace from God and from Jesus Christ His Son. In Jesus' name.