

There was a time around 3000 BC when many were being influenced by rogue spirits to make weapons and forge an alchemical alloy later developed into bronze to make such weapons and magical amulets and artefscts associated with magic spells and curses. What a terrible time for humans as this and other spirit-led ungodly fashions and culture took hold first around what is now the Golan Heights and Hermon and from there around the Levant and as far as Egypt and Cyprus and Babylon and the rest of the settlements of Sumer. Then the Lord over all spirits took action sending his prophet who was a city king En-men-dur-ana ('Enoch, seventh from Adam' as new testament scripture called him) to prophecy judgment to the rogue spirits then sending obedient spirits to bind them underground then many spirits to make the offspring of the rogue spirits borne and human women fight and eliminate eachother. Eventually the evil took such hold that most of the public went off the rails and the Lord of spirits sent the great flood in the time of Noah in the middle of the third milennium BC. Yet even after the flood there was a persisting evil. Artefacts from the times of rogue spirits could still be found under the mud layers left by the great flood. One man is reported to have dug something up and it lured him back into the evil folk culture so he was punished for what he was lured back into. There are past evils which remain as a haunting memory of past terrible times, even times of our personal lives we have put behind us. We might turn away in our minds from errors of the past but artefacts can remain and lure us back. This is dangerous because we need fresh encouragement to repent again but it might not be around to help the second time. Lucky for us there is a righteous one who is eternal as the one promising to make righteous those who keep His teachings - Jesus Christ the Great High Priest for those who turn to the Lord of spirits, God His Father. He can pray to God for us. God can give us life. But we do well to avoid those artefacts.