
Warning Against Magic

As the person who believes the things God says is blessed they receive the Holy Spirit as part of that blessing who is given them by God in the name of Lord Jesus Christ His Son. As the Holy Spirit works in them and in others blessed as they are then there are lessons learned which are characteristic of this Holy Spirit and what He teaches a believer. First is that God is a truthful person and no lie comes from His truthfulness. Second is that the truth is what He has been teaching from the very beginning and all through the ages. This truth has been captured by prophets in ages past and some has been written down and much of what is written is acknowledged as scripture but some writings more widely than others. The writings of En-men-dur-ana are not as widely known as other scriptures because many have tended to ignore them or leave them out of their recommended lists of scriptures, yet by knowing the teachings of the Holy Spirit first hand some such as the early Apostles and others gifted with the Spirit today have found the Book of Enoch to be inspired and genuine and not a facsimile written later in history like some have claimed. Over the ages the lessons from these writings have shown up origins of dangerous teachings like astrology and alchemy and other magic arts as being from fallen angels and not by the will of God. So there is this ancient warning which explains other later scriptures condemning such magic art teachings and practices. That is not to say that all teachings called magic over the ages are condemned since some teachings include messages like the Golden Rule to love each neighbour and treat others as you want to be treated. Yet if we want to escape the firey lake judgment of the future we must forsake such things and seek out instead the teachings and testimonies concerning the words God the Father of Lord Jesus Christ has spoken and to which Lord Jesus and Spirits coming in His name have testified. I find the Book of Enoch (of En-men-dur-ana, as ancient texts call him or Idris as he is known in Muslim circles) to give ample warning of what is of fallen angels as distinct from what is of God who is the Creator and who is Father of Lord Jesus the firstborn over all Creation through whom all things were made.