What is Enoch describing in the first few chapters of his book? (The Book of Enoch.) It is a metaphysical philosophy of how best to spiritually regard the world around us. Philosophers since Enoch have at their best and most profound learning, discovered it too. In modern terms I would put it this way. You go to a checkout in a shop and you get a receipt when you pay, sometimes (less so nowadays). The receipt is what we might term an affordance. It symbolically tells us something, something hidden by what is visible, namely that there is a ledger system, an accounting system, and it has registered our payment, like it records other payments consistently. The receipt is visible. The checkout is visible. The accounting, the system, the ledger, is invisible but it is there, as manifested by the receipt. We call the things like checkouts and receipts ‘affordances’. Things put in our path to tell us something. A door handle tells us by its shape that if we pull it or turn it the door will open. A flat metal plate at hand height on a door tells us by its shape and the convention to which it adheres that we probably need to push it to open the door. On wrapping of food there might be a small nick which tells us we can tear open the wrapper at this point. These in design lingo are called affordances. They are all around us in our lives, put there by other humans, as we help each other live. Well in Nature there are affordances. Enoch points them out in his opening few chapters. The trees and their leaves in Nature are like the checkout and receipt in the shop. The checkout tells us there is a ledger and accounting system recording our transaction when we pay and the receipt is an extra takeaway affordance signifying, manifesting this hidden system. So too the trees tell us there is a hidden accounting ledger system in Nature and it is the power of the name of God. Later in the Book of Enoch it is elaborated. It is the Oath. The name of the Son of Man is integrated into it. The philosophers knew about this too and called it the Logos, the Book of Life, the cosmic ledger. So too John in his gospel and later Justin Martyr too called this the Logos which when it became flesh, did so as Jesus Christ. The Son of Man himself. The justice system of the universe and of heaven depends on this, hence Jesus humanly epitomises it. The teachings of Jesus are all a part of it, the name by which Nature runs it course in all its processes such as budding of trees and orbiting of planets. It is not an idea. It is what exists and the affordances are there to point it out graciously to us.