In his initial gospel ministry, Jesus seemed to shift focus away from divinely timed and sequenced End Time events such as those foretold in the book of Daniel, and emphasised the need for constant vigilance and spiritual readiness. It was then later that Paul and John received revelations reaffirming the prophetic sequence of events. I take these later revelations given to Jesus, then Paul and John, as additional to Jesus’ sayings about vigilance, not a substitute for them. Paul and John’s revelations about the sequence of events was still part of the light of Jesus. The Holy Spirit takes from what is Jesus’ and makes it known to disciples, especially to Jesus’ apostles. Jesus receives revelations before his apostles, as the Book of Revelation makes clear. Did Jesus maybe not receive those revelations until after his ascension? Maybe. Maybe he had less to go on when he said he could return at any time. Daniel prophecy and what was known to Jesus might have left it open until the Father showed Jesus more revelations later. It might have come as new to Jesus before Paul received them and John too.