Those sealed by the Holy Spirit have been reconciled with the Father by Jesus Christ dying on the cross for them. They believed he died for them and is alive. God sealed their reconciliation with Himself by giving them the Holy Spirit as this seal of approval and their place in the body of Christ. They are all one body with Christ as head. The head of Christ is the Father.
But if you find yourself outside this body of Christ, the ten commandments are still a light for your path if you will keep them, obeying them. Even the Sabbath is a blessing to keep, if you wish to do so and are not bound to do so. You can keep the commands of God to give your life the life-force it needs. And remember the poor. Seek reconciliation with God. Ultimately the reconciliation is the death of Christ Jesus on the cross. Look to this as something on which to pin your hopes. Ask for the Holy Spirit. If you find yourself believing truly in Jesus as the Christ, who died for you, and is raised from the dead by God, seek baptism if you are not already baptised. Ask daily for God to give you the Holy Spirit. This can seal His acceptance of you, if you believe. And daily the Holy Spirit can be your life giving comfort. When the Father reconciles you personally, this Holy Spirit becomes your daily bread, as you ask like in the Lord’s Prayer for daily bread. The tasks given by the Father are this bread too. Seek reconciliation with the Father. Then you too can be brought into the body of Christ. With all the truth and promises of Jesus Christ to set you free from this corrupting world.