Here is how I believe faith towards the Father develops from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The first step might be just a willingness to listen to Jesus’ teachings, perhaps being read out loud or preached. This willingness might come from a belief in the credibility and benefit of teachings from Jesus Christ, because of his reputation and fame. The preacher or reader also needs such persuasion that it is worthwhile to preach or read aloud such teachings. The teachings then inspire further faith in the teacher, Jesus, himself and in the Father who sent him. This might lead to action if the opportunity is there. This action could be to take it seriously, say, that commanding Nature without doubting will lead to Nature obeying. This is one of the ways Jesus’ teachings encourage faith in the Father. The outcome might be poor if the person doubts and falters. On the other hand, if the person commanding Nature has sufficient refusal to doubt and has a little faith to resist worldly incredulity, and carries through to commanding and waiting for the obedience of Nature itself, by God’s power the result will be good and that person will know the truth of the teaching of Jesus and have the joy of seeing the successful outcome. This experience will need persisting of this faith to remember it honestly and not let worldly attitudes of incredulity cast doubt on it. If the faith endures and persists, that person will then have it available as beneficial experience to help with future situations. If they then hold this faith and experience dear, as something precious, they will perhaps honour highly the teaching of Jesus which taught it to them, and preserve their memory of that teaching. Combining it with other teachings of Jesus, they will realise that their duty is to effectively trade that experience and faith to produce further outcomes, even greater than before. This is like the Parable of the Stewards told by Jesus where the good stewards took what was entrusted to them by their master and put it to work so they had more than before and could please the master by presenting back more than was entrusted. So another situation arises which gives opportunity to command Nature again, and this time it is greater than before. Again a good outcome produces better experience and greater joy. This repeats in ever greater ways. The faith which started small continues to grow. Even greater challenges are now put in their path by the Father to aid this development and move towards the Father’s will as He planned in advance. It might be that Jesus sees this faith in development and that he too contributes to its growth. The Father and Son thus show fellowship with this person following their teachings. Because Jesus is with the Father, even greater things eventually achieved beyond even the works Jesus did in his gospel ministry. The faith now grows to expand the influence of Jesus, and the awareness of other believers and the world to the glory of the Father. It cannot be hidden forever. The world needs this light. Others are encouraged to join in and share in these works of power and love, faith and promise. It then becomes something that might develop similarly in their lives too. It encourages greater credence in the teachings, reputation, and fame of Jesus Christ. These people then have willingness to listen to the preaching and reading aloud of Jesus’ teachings. Some might go on to preach them too. The overall effect is that a following of Jesus, of his teachings, grows and a family of faith appears as more grace is added from the Father and the Son to encourage this growth. It develops into a household of faith of which Jesus is the Lord and the Father is the God. It is all a foretaste of what will happen on an even greater scale in the reign of Jesus Christ for a thousand years when he comes again. This will bring all things into subjection to him, as the Father puts all things under his feet. Then, when it is complete, Jesus will in turn subject himself to the Father forever and the Father will give His Son, Jesus, to rule beside Him on His everlasting throne.