Notice how nature is so mysteriously balanced at the metaphysical level; the yin and yang - with a little yin in the yang and a little yang in the yin. I wonder what is the relationship between the mathematical constants 'e' and 'pi'; do these constants actually exist in nature (in the Universe) or are they a product of the mind, of psychology if you like, or is the mind just a part of nature or is it a part of God? The mind looks at a perfect circle and assumes it exists in nature because it exists in Maths then it thinks there is a special significance of pairs of points on its outside - the furthest points apart which form a diameter - and a special point on its inside which is the centre - which forms a radius with any point on the outside edge. Then it thinks the edge itself has some significance and tries to divide the length of it by the diameter: And then we get 'pi'. Is that human activity actually part of a psychology which even exists in the mind of the Creator of the laws of physics? Are laws of physics in the mind of God, the mind of Man or both?
I think the mystery deepens when we consider that the mind of Man and the mind of God are linked like the yin and yang - some of the one in the other and so much of the other in the first. Why do I think this? Consider the man who went to God at the start of the history of Mankind - En-men-dur-ana - history had it the angels/gods took him to heaven and there taught him all the mysteries of Creation and the laws of the Universe. Then consider at the other end of history the Elect One, Messiah, Christ - Yeshua - who came from the right hand of God in Heaven to the Earth as a lowly man - the Son of Man - and, having taken human form, suffered the death of crucifixion in order to become the High Priest forever of Mankind. Now these persons take special place in a Universe where the thoughts of a man have risen to the height of God and the thoughts of God have descended to the realm of Man and man and God are united to rule even the angels.
What a mystery.