Wrote the 'Bard': "A rose by any other name would doubtless smell as sweet".
What is in a name?
I long mused about the mystery of 'names'. I saw the Narmer tablets of ancient, predynastic Egypt where standard bearers sport 'noms', symbols held aloft on poles as standards. Today in Bristol children parading with their schools in the St Pauls Carnival were carrying numbers on poles. 'Names', 'noms' and 'numbers' all sound like they have common ancestral meanings and visual imagery. The numbers carried by the children, the noms carried by the ancient Egyptian men, each have a purpose. The children are judged in their schools for their carnival parade garb and dancing and the numbers they are given and display allow judges to distinguish schools by something other than their usual name (perhaps so they are not prejudicial in their judging by the opinions of or links to the schools). Always throughout history, I believe, there has been importance given to a symbol held aloft by a person or party. This symbol can carry special power - the power of a 'name' ('nom', 'number').
So we find from most ancient times a special meaning ascribed to important names (names of rulers) and especially to one particular name, the name of the Elect One, the Son of Man, in heaven, ruler under God of all the Universe over all other rulers (whether man or angel/spirit). The Lord of Spirits gives this one Son of Man the most special of all 'names' and the greatest power of all is given to the name of this most chosen one, the Elect One. In fact, this name was so powerful that it was given to angels that they could use it to overcome the evils of the fallen angels. Later in history it was given to humankind to allow them to be saved from their own evils and the evils around them which could cause them to sin against each other, against themselves and against God. Mysteriously this Son of Man took flesh in the first century AD and was given a verbally manifest form of this spiritually supreme name, the name meaning The LORD saves, the name 'Jesus', 'Yeshua', ''Isous'. Believe in this name for salvation and use it to ask God for the saving Holy Spirit. Only having the Holy Spirit from God as He gives to believers only can lead to true immortality beyond death. This is the outcome of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name alone people can be saved.
What is in a name? Everything we really need.
What is in a name?
I long mused about the mystery of 'names'. I saw the Narmer tablets of ancient, predynastic Egypt where standard bearers sport 'noms', symbols held aloft on poles as standards. Today in Bristol children parading with their schools in the St Pauls Carnival were carrying numbers on poles. 'Names', 'noms' and 'numbers' all sound like they have common ancestral meanings and visual imagery. The numbers carried by the children, the noms carried by the ancient Egyptian men, each have a purpose. The children are judged in their schools for their carnival parade garb and dancing and the numbers they are given and display allow judges to distinguish schools by something other than their usual name (perhaps so they are not prejudicial in their judging by the opinions of or links to the schools). Always throughout history, I believe, there has been importance given to a symbol held aloft by a person or party. This symbol can carry special power - the power of a 'name' ('nom', 'number').
So we find from most ancient times a special meaning ascribed to important names (names of rulers) and especially to one particular name, the name of the Elect One, the Son of Man, in heaven, ruler under God of all the Universe over all other rulers (whether man or angel/spirit). The Lord of Spirits gives this one Son of Man the most special of all 'names' and the greatest power of all is given to the name of this most chosen one, the Elect One. In fact, this name was so powerful that it was given to angels that they could use it to overcome the evils of the fallen angels. Later in history it was given to humankind to allow them to be saved from their own evils and the evils around them which could cause them to sin against each other, against themselves and against God. Mysteriously this Son of Man took flesh in the first century AD and was given a verbally manifest form of this spiritually supreme name, the name meaning The LORD saves, the name 'Jesus', 'Yeshua', ''Isous'. Believe in this name for salvation and use it to ask God for the saving Holy Spirit. Only having the Holy Spirit from God as He gives to believers only can lead to true immortality beyond death. This is the outcome of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name alone people can be saved.
What is in a name? Everything we really need.