Although we are to cast our cares upon God He does not want us living and working without due care and attention for our needs and happiness and for the needs and happiness of those we live with and those we work with. To call Him our God and then ignore careful attentiveness is to deny His own care for not just us but others too. This is why Jesus, Son of God, refused to condemn the woman recorded in The Gospel of John chapter 8 caught in adultery - because God cares for sinners too. One caring provision God has made for man is the Sabbath. 'The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.' Even though enshrined in the Law of Moses, the commands in the ten commandments are to us like executive orders we obey even though not under Law but under Christ. The Sabbath was directed towards the Jews but extended in the prophets towards Gentiles living amongst Jews but here in the words of Christ who is over the Church His Body we have application of it in God's care 'for man'. So in love for God we can obey His commands, His executive orders, and live in the care He has lovingly provided and revealed in the coming and ministry of Jesus His Son.