Why and how do I believe that the Son of God existed before His birth? I know with certainty that it is given by the Holy Spirit (who never lies) that "the trees put forth their buds and leaves by the authority of the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ". These words from the Holy Spirit came by tongues and interpretation. I take these words on board because the Holy Spirit does not lie and shuns lies, I know. I therefore cannot think of any reasonable alternative to the name of Lord Jesus Christ preceding the trees as long as there have been trees. Obviously this utterance of the mystery does not only apply to trees but to Nature in general and the utterance went on to include stars and planets in their orbits. So the name of Lord Jesus Christ clearly preceded all of Nature because always it worked by this name's power. So for the name of the Son of God always to have existed in such power the Son of God Himself must have existed since before any Nature existed. This is clear to me.