
Tuesday, 4 September 2018

The Oath Updated


We are fortunate, judging from the Book of Enoch, to live at a time when the Oath behind all the workings of Nature has been updated to include the actual name of the Son of Man, the name which is called in its English form Lord Jesus Christ. So now the Oath is enunciated to include His actual name so we can better understand it that all of Nature is constantly adhering to the authority of the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

I’ve noticed the new enunciation of this Oath including the name Lord Jesus Christ spoken by the Holy Spirit in church meetings through angelic “tongues” with interpretation. So it is clearly of great importance to include it in our lives, learning to live and be saved by it: “Consider the trees how they put forth buds and leaves; they do so by the authoritative power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”