
Saturday, 6 April 2019

The Millennium and the Book of Enoch

Without the Book of Revelation the endtime prophecies of the Book of Enoch would be obscure and unclear about the Millennium. It is not clarified by Enoch as far as the Book of Enoch is concerned that there will be a time of the Son of Man lasting a thousand years, hence “Millennium”. It is there in the less attested book called Second Enoch. It is most clear in Revelation which has more certainty for many than 2 Enoch, having been dictated and shown to John by the Son of Man Himself. The Son of Man once told His earthly mother “My time has not yet come”. He was being expected by Mary to sort out a bad situation using power to do what nobody else could do. But it was not time for Him to take that crown. It would come later - in the future a time lasting a thousand years called ‘His time’ in which He will put the world to rights.