
Saturday, 15 June 2019

Before the Big Bang?

Now that we know about the existence of dark matter and dark energy we should consider the possibility that dark energy and dark matter were not a result of the Big Bang but existed before the Big Bang and fueled it and fed into it. They could result in further such events, perhaps different kinds, in future. We know little of such things but we know we do not know. We should now consider that what we commonly call ‘spirit’ might be like dark matter and dark energy. It might have existed before the Big Bang and to have caused the Big Bang and been materially of such a nature that it was unaffected by the Big Bang. We call it ‘dark’ because of its immunity to the affects of visible matter and visible energy. Now we have long had in human history a belief in divine spirits and we can now add a sentient aspect to the things we call dark energy and dark matter. Yet instead of being dark these spirits are pure light - ‘light’ in the sense of the opposite of dark. What do we mean by ‘dark’ in ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’? They are dark in the sense that they provide no interactions with observable matter and energy. They are dark because nothing about them facilitates our ability to observe them scientifically. That is not to say they cannot ever be discovered since already we have discovered them, e.g. by their observable affect on the speed of the edges of galaxies. They do not provide us with particles we can monitor because they pass through millions of stars and planets without any interactions so likewise they pass through our instruments without any interactions. Now we have opportunity to consider that there can be ‘dark’ sentient beings such as what have long been known as divine spirits which are likewise able to pass through the matter and energy we observe scientifically without interactions - without leaving any observable trace and without themselves being affected materially. We might call these ‘dark beings’ yet they are light because they are able to make themselves known to us and do indeed make themselves known to us. They are pure light in the sense they make themselves known truthfully. Now we should also consider, metaphysically, that there must have been a time when laws of physics started to exist. Human reasoning seems to be behind these laws because they are comprehensible to humans. So before they had existence in reality they seem to have had existence in thought and reason. So sentient spirits existing before the Big Bang and were not affected materially by it, just like dark matter and dark energy might not have been affected by it, these spirits seem to have included sufficient qualities of humanness that their influences on the results of the Big Bang are understandable by our human minds. This leads to possibility our human minds we influenced to be as they are by such humanlike spirit or spirits. Now these spirits with humanlike qualities are not ‘dark’ in the sense of offering us no affordance to know them but on the contrary they do make themselves known to us and are well known by some of us. One in particular is especially known to some as the Son of Man apparently because of these very human qualities but also because this Son of Man has historically come in flesh and blood as Jesus of Nazareth called the Anointed One. He spoke of having come to make known the highest one of these spirits calling this spirit the Father, His own Father and God.

Matter is observable because it is affected by other matter. The sentient divine spirits’ matter is not affected and so we call it ‘dark’ because we cannot force it to show itself to scientific instruments. They can affect our matter and they do so which means they are known and knowable on their terms so they are really light.

When we experience their power it makes sense: They can act without affect on any matter and energy around except the matter and energy they deliberately want to affect.

Our fallen world power structures are but a poorer reflection of these invisible universe power structures. “Thy will be done on earth as in heaven”

Maybe the resurrection is going to unite both universes