How much evidence do I need to believe in a god? It surprises me how much it varies from day to day. I guess a lot depends how encouraged or discouraged my state of mind is - whether my ‘heart’ is ‘hard’ to such things or not. On a good day I cannot help think there must surely be a good god making things happen just the way that makes sense for a good god to do. Other days it all seems bleak and as they say ‘God seems far away’ and nothing makes sense and those good days of assurance are too faint a memory. Then I start wondering whether I might be an atheist deep down and pretending not to be. I guess the main evidence is to feel loved by someone other than fellow imperfect humans - loved by someone who is not limited by weakness and corruption but can save the day. When the day gets saved by someone invisible I get a pique of faith. I try to remember those days. Like when you can hear a helicopter overhead and know it is there but cannot see it behind the rooftops. You sometimes get such clarity and certainty of God’s existence that sight becomes irrelevant. You have to try remembering once that evidence has gone away.