
Saturday, 10 August 2019

Atheism and Dishonesty

We probably all of us start life as atheists. After a while we experience nature and experience discipline from peers. Out of animal instinct we learn from nature and peer discipline and parents. We make basic deductions. We start to reason. This reasoning makes us ask ‘why’? about everything and expect answers. The answers become our first taste of wisdom. Why do things happen in nature the way they do. When a wise answer is given we get a taste for wisdom and ask ‘why?’ even more. At some point we realise it all adds up to wise reasons being a result of Someone wise. If we are all too human we get scared at this point and fearfully reject such theism. We thus get scared into rejecting the lines of reasoning that lead to such theism. (Perhaps we are scared of where the reasoning leads in terms of duty it implies and guilt it proves.) This is a matter of being dishonest to ourselves so we get habitually dishonest.