
Tuesday, 14 January 2020

The Ongoing Gospel

Let the ongoing gospel story record what happens today in Jesus’ ongoing eternal life. How there are many He meets and how He teaches us miracle-working and faith. How He is still in the Father and the Father in Him and He in those of us who have Him as our teacher and we in Him. How the Holy Spirit builds us up and brings to us the mysteries Jesus knows and tells us the power of Lord Jesus Christ’s name in Nature. Have it include the workings of the Father in all this and His appearing to those of us who believe and His rebuking of sin and ongoing command to love Him with all our hearts and souls and strength and mind - and Voice. Have it include the ongoing judgments of the Father, God, in this world where His own people still sin despite all this and have to be monitored by the world’s surveillance systems. Yet those who know Him and fear Him are daily protected like in a fiery furnace by His angelic messenger so we are not destroyed. The gospel that began in the first century goes on and on forever.