
Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Why Christians use Hardships like this one to Convert

People are controlled by beings too big for them to understand but one being controlling many, many people is a liar and murderer and leads its victims to destruction. To release its many, many victims you have to overcome and eventually bind this being. Hardships like the current measures can be part of that. Once the being is restricted then you have to convert the victims. There is no point wasting the opportunity. These masses need to be released and put under control of the highest being who does not lie and is always faithful: The true father being whose control through the Holy Spirit leads to eternal life. To do this takes preaching of the truth that Christ turns things around and has died on a cross and risen to live for ever.

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Jesus is. Believe that. He can turn it around.

Jesus is. Believe that. He can turn it around. In Jesus’ teaching of the Rich Man and Lazarus the rich man died and asked to be sent back to warn his brothers about Hades torments lest they do as he did in life and end up there too - he prayed to Abraham - so Jesus shows us that the dead are in some ways like the living - but the ones with God who are not physically deceased such as Jesus and Enoch and Elijah and maybe others we do not know - these can pray for all of us - and of these Jesus is greatest and in majesty as God’s right hand man He presides even now over judgments such as this and has right having died as sacrifice for our sins and all people to be Great High Priest and intercede effectively - most effectively of all.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Time for a sharp exit

‘And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”’
Revelation 18:4
The British have always since 40 AD been ruled by the Roman Empire in one form or another: first Rome then the Holy Roman Empire under Rome then the Habsurgs and other royal houses including Saxe-Coburg (now House of Windsor in UK) forming modern Europe and now the EU. So to get free of Rome and Europe will be a truly historic and momentous event. Countries around the world have longed and fought bitterly for such freedom. To gain it without a war will be astonishing: A miracle of God on the lines of Book of Revelation 18.

Saturday, 14 March 2020

The Book of Enoch

“Ubara-tutu (or Ubartutu) of Shuruppak was the last antediluvian king of Sumer. He was said to have reigned for 18,600 years (5 sars and 1 ner). He was the son of En-men-dur-ana, a Sumerian mythological figure often compared to Enoch, as he entered heaven without dying. Ubara-Tutu was the king of Sumer until a flood swept over his land, like Emperor Yao and Methuselah.”

Texts found near Sharappak mention Ubara-tutu and also his grandson Utnapishtim (Noah). These are the oldest extant prose texts translated into English. This is consistent with the possibility of the original texts later comprising the Book of Enoch being written at the time of earliest prose writing by En-men-dur-ana (Enoch), Ubara-tutu (Methuselah) and Utnapishtim (Noah).

Friday, 13 March 2020

Pandemic 2.0

March 2020: The UK government is taking measures, on controversial scientific advice, to increase ‘herd immunity’. This might have a side-effect or creating millions of potential carriers just when elsewhere the disease is dying down (like in China). Then if the Brits start travelling again it could start a far, far bigger pandemic. Part of this for example would be Chinese students returning to China, some taking active coronavirus with them. Possibly students from China will not be allowed back to China, or similar measures may be taken.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Silent Prayerful Communication

In the scriptures there was Hannah who prayed asking for a child, because she was barren, and she asked without saying the words out loud because she was in the public temple and was praying her innermost private thoughts. God still heard her. I guess when I heard this as a child I realised prayer could be silent. I expect my mother told me God hears your thoughts. So I always prayed in my thoughts. Hardly ever in uttered words. Always I received what I asked. Only later in life did I even question this thought praying method. Then years later in my thirties Jesus spoke to me and later He woke me in the night to prove something I had asked about. The method was to bypass my senses and speak directly to me - beyond even my conscious mind. To my spirit or soul, not sure what you’d properly call it. An analogy would be a computer system writing words directly on the hard disk, by passing processors and peripheral devices like keyboard. Astonishing. So you just have to believe what is said or reject it. I received it. Then both times simply acted on it immediately without question, it was so certain it needed no question. Spirit communicates with spirit.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

The Ordered Universe

“Observe how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit: wherefore give ye heed and know with regard to all His works, and recognize how He that liveth for ever hath made them so.
And His works go on from year to year for ever, and all the tasks which they accomplish for Him, and their tasks change not, but according as hath ordained so is it done.”

— Book of Enoch

Pythagoras realised the universe is mathematically ordered and it is one small step to go from there to the Heraclitus view that an entity makes it that way and keeps it that way and calling that entity the Logos leaves Christianity to complete the last step and recognise that Logos made flesh is Christ and the Holy Spirit says it is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ which is that by which all nature stays in predetermined order. So that first observation was possible for Pythagoras although some argue he was helped by the Zoroastrian religion, but it takes the Holy Spirit to lead to the true conclusion, and the Christ dying on a cross and rising from the dead makes it more certain.

 “Consider the trees, they put forth buds and leaves. They do so by the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
— Holy Spirit

Real Baptism

To be real, the person is not merely agreeing with the baptism, they are obediently walking eyes open into it and then continuing to walk in that same obedience ever after. It is induction into the perpetual course of the teachings and salvation provisions of the Christ. They need to first believe that Jesus is indeed the Christ or else this baptism is not real. Part of the saving provisions of the Christ is the real Holy Spirit as seen in manifestations such as real genuine speaking in tongues (not glossalia babbling but genuine spiritual language enunciation often with interpretation to benefit the hearers) and God only gives this when the baptism and belief is real and sincere. Hence it is baptism in water and in the Holy Spirit. It sets a person apart and unites them with the living Jesus Christ. 

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Greta Thunberg in Bristol, UK

Has anyone ever gathered 30000 people to College Green in Bristol before? I used to work in top right corner office of Council House overlooking it years ago and once saw the Queen from the window balcony. But she only drew a crowd of hundreds. Tony Blair later spoke down at the other end of the green and drew a crowd of dozens. Greta Thunberg drew together 30000! Must have something to say and something to offer - other than imperialism.