“Ubara-tutu (or Ubartutu) of Shuruppak was the last antediluvian king of Sumer. He was said to have reigned for 18,600 years (5 sars and 1 ner). He was the son of En-men-dur-ana, a Sumerian mythological figure often compared to Enoch, as he entered heaven without dying. Ubara-Tutu was the king of Sumer until a flood swept over his land, like Emperor Yao and Methuselah.”
Texts found near Sharappak mention Ubara-tutu and also his grandson Utnapishtim (Noah). These are the oldest extant prose texts translated into English. This is consistent with the possibility of the original texts later comprising the Book of Enoch being written at the time of earliest prose writing by En-men-dur-ana (Enoch), Ubara-tutu (Methuselah) and Utnapishtim (Noah).
“Ubara-tutu (or Ubartutu) of Shuruppak was the last antediluvian king of Sumer. He was said to have reigned for 18,600 years (5 sars and 1 ner). He was the son of En-men-dur-ana, a Sumerian mythological figure often compared to Enoch, as he entered heaven without dying. Ubara-Tutu was the king of Sumer until a flood swept over his land, like Emperor Yao and Methuselah.”
Texts found near Sharappak mention Ubara-tutu and also his grandson Utnapishtim (Noah). These are the oldest extant prose texts translated into English. This is consistent with the possibility of the original texts later comprising the Book of Enoch being written at the time of earliest prose writing by En-men-dur-ana (Enoch), Ubara-tutu (Methuselah) and Utnapishtim (Noah).