It is sensible, so they say, to know your enemy. Those who defy God and attack His prophets and other servants should try to find out what they can about the One they are deriding because Vengeance is His name, not only on His own behalf but on behalf of His servants the prophets. If atheists who attack God and His servants learn who they have made their enemy they might decide to stop being silly and seek peace before it is too late. A cross makes it possible to be put right if they trust the mediator sent by God, God’s Son. In the mean time sit back and watch, those who rail and say “where is evidence?“ God shows Himself mighty on behalf of His servants and children. Do not mistake His mercy for weakness.
Monday, 31 August 2020
Thursday, 27 August 2020
The Kingdom of Heaven: an invisible superpower on your doorstep.
The Kingdom of Heaven: an invisible superpower on your doorstep.
Sunday, 23 August 2020
Alive today
You need to believe in the one who gave the world the Good Samaritan phrase. You need to hold to that phrase and the others like it. Then the truth will set you free from your dishonest ways. This one will set you free. I encountered one who I have every reason to believe is this one. The one who introduced me to him gave me every reason to believe it is this one who gave the world the Good Samaritan teaching. These do, I’m convinced, live today. Forever. You need to believe in these and hold to their teaching. To anyone who lies in whatever ways: You each need this or you’re going to be in serious trouble with the one I encountered who gave the world the Good Samaritan teaching.
Your need
You need to believe in the one who gave the world the Good Samaritan phrase. You need to hold to that phrase and the others like it. Then the truth will set you free from your dishonest ways. This one will set you free.
Saturday, 22 August 2020
The fall of angels
The fall of angels. What if it is happening, as prophesied? Who will they influence? My guess is Big Pharma.
You might happily break some silly rules, like not really reading those terms before clicking the box to say you did. But I bet you wash your hands and wear a mask when WHO is watching you. A kind of innocent recklessness doesn’t do what it is told by WHO. Such recklessness costs lives, they say. If it really does, then too many lives and you incur a severe penalty. Too few and you save yourself. But washing your hands a lot is just hypocrisy. The real problem is cruelty. WHO would be guilty of cruelty? Mmm.
Thursday, 20 August 2020
God appeared to Solomon
It was obedience that led to God appearing to Solomon. Solomon had completed the main task God gave him of building the Temple. That was Solomon’s obedience. The sacrifices were the consecration of that Temple. If you seriously want God to appear to you or come to you as a fellow, you need to learn to lovingly obey His Son. I found this to be true having prayed for God’s appearing to me, praying on and off through thirty years since childhood, but it was only when I read in John 14 about obedience to Jesus being necessary and set about that duty, that then God did appear to me like He did to Solomon, and not only God but the Son of God and Holy Spirit too, just as I had prayed. Interestingly it was just a while after the Holy Spirit told me “Build the temple” and I had started to preach to obey this command. God has His ways and His will.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
How reliable are the scriptures for finding life in Jesus?
How reliable are the scriptures for finding life in Jesus? I would tend to rely on scriptures overall but be mindful that any individual verse might have translation errors. It is possible to read them with both of these in tension. I guess historians acquire the skill more than the rest of us when reading translated texts. Some scriptures are not even available in the original languages. Taking to heart what is the gist of a passage is good but if a particular verse is important to your understanding, best to research it a bit. I offer my contribution in this matter by saying that my overall understanding of John’s gospel led me into actual meetings first hand with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit as those passages said Jesus promised so the English translation must be pretty good. I did try cross referring to the Greek using an interlinear a lot but the overall meaning in most English translations of passages such as John chapter 14 is good enough. Now when it comes to obeying the commands of Jesus we have to be careful and research them fairly well or it could be dangerous. If we misunderstand them or use a poor translation and then go and try to obey it on that basis, that could be disastrous. Once sure of the meaning, obeying is how to show love for Him and His promise ensues. How reliable are the scriptures for finding life in Jesus? I would tend to rely on scriptures overall but be mindful that any individual verse might have translation errors. It is possible to read them with both of these in tension. I guess historians acquire the skill more than the rest of us when reading translated texts. Some scriptures are not even available in the original languages. Taking to heart what is the gist of a passage is good but if a particular verse is important to your understanding, best to research it a bit. I offer my contribution in this matter by saying that my overall understanding of John’s gospel led me into actual meetings first hand with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit as those passages said Jesus promised so the English translation must be pretty good. I did try cross referring to the Greek using an interlinear a lot but the overall meaning in most English translations of passages such as John chapter 14 is good enough. Now when it comes to obeying the commands of Jesus we have to be careful and research them fairly well or it could be dangerous. If we misunderstand them or use a poor translation and then go and try to obey it on that basis, that could be disastrous. Once sure of the meaning, obeying is how to show love for Him and His promise ensues. I tend to think it best to hold onto the sayings even when it isn’t clear what they mean or how to obey them, until it becomes clear. For example for years I pondered what “keep your lamps trim and burning brightly” means in practical terms. Clearly nothing to do with actual lamps. Now writing all this it makes sense. I must keep my words clear and in tune with His teachings. That takes discipline and effort. But getting lax and fuzzy is not what He wants from me. So as you serve, you learn. Obeying in what you have already as much as you find you can do so, and getting ever ready to do more as becomes possible later, that is acceptable to Him. That is love for Him. He rewards it with visits, fellowship, and with blessings from the Holy Spirit, eventually when the time is acceptable to God the Father. Fellowship from the Father too.
Time perspective of Jesus
The time perspective of Jesus is huge. He is. This is where that present tense is used to say something is now, is ages ago, is ages to come. I think some languages have a special tense for it. Not English unfortunately.
Sunday, 16 August 2020
Slave to the Ultimate Master
I love being a slave to Jesus, who is indeed the ultimate Master. By having Jesus as master, nobody else can claim me as their slave. Yet slavery to Jesus means freedom, ultimately from the death sentence of ethical downfall. How foolish to fall slave to lying and hating just from fear of belief and courage.
A faithless predicament
A faithless, blameful death is to be feared. That is why, in times before being fully assured of faith, I was afraid to find I did not have a worthy faith. The realisation pulled the ground from under me. It had to dash home from overseas fearing I’d have a nervous breakdown. Years later I realised believing and following Jesus was the way out of this predicament. It led me to the assurance from God Himself that created real faith within me. Faith created by God. Beliefs about the Son of God fathered by God the Father Himself.
Fathered by God
You are fathered by God when the beliefs you have about the Son of God are created within your heart by the Father. So the Father makes occasional checks on these beliefs like a baker checks the progress of a cake cooking in an oven.
The Son of Man in the Book of Enoch
With regard to the Son of Man seen so often in the Book of Enoch and believed to be there in the versions of the book known to Jesus, who identifies with the Son of Man teaching, why ‘the Son of Man’? The parallel with the Book of Daniel chapter 7 passage on “one like a man” is clearly important to understanding the title. Likewise the reference back to a similar passage about this man in Daniel chapter 10 from a passage by John in Revelation chapter 1 describing Jesus is more important still, bringing into the picture the humanness of Jesus, the Christ Himself. Yet Enoch parallels Revelation in importance because to be called Son of Man is more precise than Daniel’s passage and mirrors John’s Revelation contribution to the understanding of this person because even angels are described like men in the Book of Daniel but describing a being as LIKE a man is not as precise as describing the being as the Son of Man. If Jesus merely became a man it would not be saying as much about that humanity as when scripture, by calling Him ‘the Son of Man’ says this person humbled Himself to actually be a child of humans taking cellular form and embryo and foetus form growing in a womb and being born from that woman’s womb, growing up as a child of human parents. Adam was called Man, yet did not live as a Son of Man because as a direct creation he had no earthly parents, whereas the Christ would be born as a Son of Man, as humble and fully human as we are, yet having existed as the Son of Man mysteriously in Enoch’s time of ascension into Heaven. So this utter humanity (yet without sin and fully the son of God) is what the righteous humans need to help them cope with life in this world and eternally continue as children of God, and what every human needs in a mediator with God the Father.
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Soundness of mind
If people spend a long time wanting to know about something important but unable to find out reliably (such as the well-being of a distant loved one or the success or failure in an exam), especially if the mind is weakened by isolation or illness or fear, it is easy for involuntary thoughts to take the place of that missing knowledge. With a weak mind that might turn into delusion. That might be why we place such importance on social interaction, churches, government agencies, media and families to help us stay sound in our minds and opinions. “Be careful that the light within you is not darkness.” Our natural tendencies are not the thing to live by, because left unchecked it can lead to sometimes deadly errors.
Hope even for the unsound mind
It takes a sound mind to reason so some are unable to be reasoned with. So if reasoning were the only way then there would be no hope for those with unsound mind. But there is bit more hope because there is the effect down through time, rippling out from the crucifixion of the Christ for every one of us.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
The Nietzsche Nightmare
Having probably caused both WW2 and the Cold War, and foresighted awareness of it possibly leading to his madness and suicide, Nietzsche knew full well about gazing into the abyss and the angel of the abyss seized the opportunity. So yes, prewar Germany fought the nightmare of imperialist religiosity and defeated the pseudo-faith of the enlightenment sorcerers making the masses believe atheism had triumphed but every action has a reaction and the alternatives became a worse nightmare with first Communist atheism, then Nazi atheism then both waging war on nominally religious imperialism and on each other to find the overlording master ideology, but imperialism came back like a boomerang and mastered the West, leaving just the Far East outside its imperial reach. The real war is the attempt to escape the clutches of religious imperialism. Brexit shows the peaceful way - just walk out.
Stochastics and Soul
It might be that free will and soul and spirit can be detected scientifically as being beyond the laws of physics. If you sum many different possibly physics-consistent stochastic equations with many ranges of Eigen vectors and Eigen values and reality matches a field of all possible values it might be feasible that reality is devoid of wills. If reality does not fit such possible results then will might actually exist, and therefore soul. Possibly spirit too. I think we discern spirit because inwardly our brains do all that maths to work out the physical nature of our environment and when something is outside the normal range we discern it is spiritual. Such as with dreams. We can guess all the normal kinds of dreams we might dream, by extrapolation and interpolation and intelligently summing possibilities, then we recognise a more cognisant externally inspired dream, perhaps by clarity of a prediction within it and this prediction coming true, for which stochastic models could not possibly allow. Stochastics by nature only takes the recent state and predicts the imminent. Nothing beyond the imminent is predicable by known maths. If it were the insurance industry would be far richer, as would bookkeepers. Spirit can predict it.
Einstein used Brownian motion as use case for his calculus and that calculus is normally used for things like predicting share prices, insurance premiums, etc. Black Scholes is the usual further development of the calculus used for these. Stochastic modelling. So human behaviour is no different. It has a random element and a vector (direction and speed) based on most recent data and a variation component. My memory is a bit rusty so I might have the details wrong. But it is usual to extend such calculus and partial differentials to cater for biological processes such as behaviour, population modelling, force field analysis, etc. No problem using it for looking at predictable behaviour of all kinds except when the system is very volatile. Then you compare predicted behaviour with actual behaviour. The harder part is modelling based on physical laws. That is alright to land a probe on Jupiter but not so good with modelling a disease or pandemic or betting on a race. But not impossible. So why isn’t it being done, with high profile? Perhaps fear of discovering God, soul, free will.
So take a set of laws affecting humans, such as tendency to stay stood upright and the mechanics involved in that. Add a random factor plus preconditions at time immediately before monitoring. Write an calculus equation (partial differentials) to predict very next movement based on these factors. Observe actual next movement in many cases. Adjust the equation to see that randomness is correct and orders of magnitude of forces affecting outcome are correct. Then wait and monitor occasions when actual movement exceeds expected. This is the kind of thing along with machine learning, neural networks, they probably use to monitor people in smart systems, so the maths must exist. Investigate anomalies to see whether physical laws plus randomness alone explain observed movements. If not, look into it further. Was there free will involved? Spiritual effects? Evidence of soul?
If you look at micro level. Macro effects like social ones have too many unknowns. Start with what is supposedly fully understood. Movement is a good fit with the maths. Lots of the factors of movement are known well such as energy availability in form of muscle phosphorus content which can be monitored using a scanner (CAT, NMR). Movement is physically limited to phosphorus I think. ATP, etc. Impulses into muscles can only come in finite ways. These could be monitored and modelled. Physics and chemistry account well for movement and topological freedoms of movement. Movement is well analysed philosophically and metaphysically too. So it should be predictable at microscopic level and it should be subject to only finite physical laws and the randomness should be knowable too. I know that the God series presented by Morgan Freeman mentioned similar studies in brain activity of meditation as example of scientific study of theology.
Einstein used Brownian motion as use case for his calculus and that calculus is normally used for things like predicting share prices, insurance premiums, etc. Black Scholes is the usual further development of the calculus used for these. Stochastic modelling. So human behaviour is no different. It has a random element and a vector (direction and speed) based on most recent data and a variation component. My memory is a bit rusty so I might have the details wrong. But it is usual to extend such calculus and partial differentials to cater for biological processes such as behaviour, population modelling, force field analysis, etc. No problem using it for looking at predictable behaviour of all kinds except when the system is very volatile. Then you compare predicted behaviour with actual behaviour. The harder part is modelling based on physical laws. That is alright to land a probe on Jupiter but not so good with modelling a disease or pandemic or betting on a race. But not impossible. So why isn’t it being done, with high profile? Perhaps fear of discovering God, soul, free will.
So take a set of laws affecting humans, such as tendency to stay stood upright and the mechanics involved in that. Add a random factor plus preconditions at time immediately before monitoring. Write an calculus equation (partial differentials) to predict very next movement based on these factors. Observe actual next movement in many cases. Adjust the equation to see that randomness is correct and orders of magnitude of forces affecting outcome are correct. Then wait and monitor occasions when actual movement exceeds expected. This is the kind of thing along with machine learning, neural networks, they probably use to monitor people in smart systems, so the maths must exist. Investigate anomalies to see whether physical laws plus randomness alone explain observed movements. If not, look into it further. Was there free will involved? Spiritual effects? Evidence of soul?
If you look at micro level. Macro effects like social ones have too many unknowns. Start with what is supposedly fully understood. Movement is a good fit with the maths. Lots of the factors of movement are known well such as energy availability in form of muscle phosphorus content which can be monitored using a scanner (CAT, NMR). Movement is physically limited to phosphorus I think. ATP, etc. Impulses into muscles can only come in finite ways. These could be monitored and modelled. Physics and chemistry account well for movement and topological freedoms of movement. Movement is well analysed philosophically and metaphysically too. So it should be predictable at microscopic level and it should be subject to only finite physical laws and the randomness should be knowable too. I know that the God series presented by Morgan Freeman mentioned similar studies in brain activity of meditation as example of scientific study of theology.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Spirit and life
Living without help to stay out of trouble is like a released convict living without a probation officer. There is a huge risk of offending or reoffending resulting in a possible harsh sentence. Ultimately, taking justice beyond the justice systems and social vengeance also into account, it might mean death. And religion says this all extends beyond death too, where further justice applies. So people need more than just guiding, they need saving. We each need a Saviour. The extent of saving power is not a matter of religious system or culture or heritage but it extends beyond these things just like natural laws of nature. It is spirit. Spirit keeps people on track. Jesus said His words are spirit and are life. Jesus’ words like all of the Spirit given in His name provides a guide but more than just a guide, a liberation, leading into liberating truth. Liberating and saving from ways of judgement and death.
What do we mean by ‘God’?
Really the concept of God is a matter of history. It requires context. Even children learn the concept of God, learning it from society as they grow up so it is not too complicated to learn, but they learn it for their context. It is harder to generalise it universally. There are several components to the ancient world concept of God. The context of that world changed, though. It became more polytheistic, judging from Hebrew and Sumerian scriptures, including the Book of Enoch, and extant texts. Initially it meant the topmost being. Only one Father is father of all beings and Lord of all and maker of all and highest over all. Topmost Creator. The tree-like status hierarchy of all beings has just one at the top. (Note that later in the time of Christ Jesus, the Son called God His own God, the Father. So the Christ declared one greater than Himself who gave Him His existence.) Top of hierarchy is singular. God is the One God. None other besides is God the way the Father is God. The matter of blessedness of this topmost being is important. Praised by many as such. This too is singular. Only one Father deserves all praise because He of all beings is so praiseworthy. God is the one who answers prayers and saves those who trust in Him and call on Him. Eternal might is also implied. God will remain God forever, always able to save. Lastly, everyone will acknowledge God as topmost God and only God, as all other gods are recognised as subject or submissive to Him and recognised as those required to worship Him. This is not an exhaustive description but it attempts to capture the essence of what the ancients and the scripture writers meant by God and what God Himself means by God. Into this context we find there is one special other being sharing many such characteristics but not God, rather the Son of God. The Christ. God plans to share eternity in this Son’s company but also in the company of many righteous children brought to God through this Christ.
Book of Enoch chapter 105:
“In those days the Lord bade (them) to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show (it) unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. For I and My son will be united with them for ever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace: rejoice, ye children of uprightness. Amen.”
Book of Enoch chapter 105:
“In those days the Lord bade (them) to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show (it) unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. For I and My son will be united with them for ever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace: rejoice, ye children of uprightness. Amen.”
The Book of Enoch description of the place where Enoch saw God is like the geological phenomena of crystal caves within mountains, an example of which is found in Naica, New Mexico. Yet one detail is puzzling. The description tells of the ceiling of the cave being like the path of the stars in the heavens. It occurs to me that another geological structure might be involved, in addition to the crystal cave. A transform fault running deep into the mountain. This could manifest as a slit going from the cave up to the surface. Archaeology and geography of one region fits with the description and with other ancient sources about a mountain cave abode of the supreme God, that of the Lebanon and Hermon mountain ranges through Lebanon. It matches accounts from sources such as the Epic of Gilgamesh about the Cedar Forest associated with God’s habitation. It runs South even towards Jerusalem too via the Jordan valley. It runs on further into the Red Sea and then the Rift Valley. It is such a fault. Light from the stars might somewhere in the mountain ranges of Lebanon penetrate down to deep mountain caves. ( See also )
The Christ
The Christ is distinct from God. He is very similar, being in the image of God and without sin and from everlasting to everlasting. Yet God has made Him distinct, just as we too are distinct. It is the Father who is God and there is no other who is God. The Christ is the Son of God. Now the Christ is manifested as flesh and bone, it is clearer why He is called the Son of Man, but He was called this before becoming flesh too. God is not flesh.
Trinity confusion
The Trinity confusion might stem from the way it is expressed about the mystery of how Christ’s history came about, from His origin from God (step 1), through to His being given life in Himself, through to His existence in Heaven before becoming flesh, through to His becoming flesh. That first step (I labelled it step 1) is possibly what gets misunderstood or misrepresented. John 1 expresses it as past tense. Many Trinity dogma adherents express it as present tense and so falsify it.
Monday, 10 August 2020
To be a child of God
Christ could work closely with God, and still can, by faith. His utter belief in God’s love for Him along with knowledge of God’s power enabled Him to do what He did rather than being any different from any other human like ourselves. Ignorance of this can make people mistakenly think Jesus was not made fully human but is somehow God in a bodily form. God gave Jesus life to have as the Son of God distinct from God Himself. Then this life became human flesh. So Jesus is both Son of God and human like us, Son of Man. God is in Him and He in God in just the same way God is in those who confess all this and they in God. So there are many sons of God. A son of God is not to be called God. Neither is Jesus to be called God. Jesus calls the Father His God. We can only hope to have this Father as our God too and our Father too through Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God. Believing all this, that is the first step in discipleship leading to permanently becoming a child of God and being freed from the kind of compulsive wrongdoing which can get a person into serious trouble and even lead to deadly results. The next step is to take on board the teachings of Jesus about how to behave rightly. Holding to these teachings is what makes a disciple. The promise of Jesus is that this disciple will know the truth and be set free from the wrongdoing by the freedom which comes from this truth. So stop that wrongdoing where possible. Learn to believe in these things and that Jesus is, that His existence is from before the world began. Believe that His living existence will be forever. Believe that He is the one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. Then hold to His teachings to truly be His disciple. Then, and only then, you will know the truth and be free to cease wrongdoing and live forever as a child of God.
Sunday, 9 August 2020
The Book of Enoch
Through the Book of Enoch, God catches the wise in their craftiness. Do not underestimate it. God keeps something hidden for that purpose. When Jesus warned the Sadducees they were in error for not knowing the scriptures it was the Book of Enoch He was pointing to. Only this book of scripture tells about angels not being allowed to marry, which was what answered the Sadducees’ trick question. Jude knew Jesus well enough to know He would approve of Jude quoting it. At that time it was one of the most popular scriptures in circulation, as the Dead Sea Scrolls now show. It was addressed to our generation so no coincidence it has resurfaced after centuries lost to the West. It is like an auditor’s check sum to shine light on church doctrines.
The Person of Christ
Much truth hinges on knowing the way the power of God works together with a believer. Ignorance of this can lead to misconceptions about who Christ is. Christ could work closely with God, and still can, by faith. His utter belief in God’s love for Him along with knowledge of God’s power enabled Him to do what He did rather than being any different from any other human like ourselves. Ignorance of this can make people mistakenly think Jesus was not made fully human but is somehow God in a bodily form. God gave Jesus life to have as the Son of God distinct from God Himself. Then this life became human flesh. So Jesus is both Son of God and human like us, Son of Man. God is in Him and He in God in just the same way God is in those who confess all this and they in God. So there are many sons of God. A son of God is not to be called God. Neither is Jesus to be called God. Jesus calls the Father His God. We can only hope to have this Father as our God too and our Father too through Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God.
Misrepresented truth
Misrepresenting truth but telling it as truth is more damaging and wicked than outright lies. Outright lies are guarded against and tested as fake. Truths distorted to hide real truth are more damaging because they are like a Trojan horse and are accepted into holy places and yet the receivers of them think they have truth and so do not seek it, plus they reject real truth when they hear it because it differs subtly from what they already received as truth. Thus they stay ignorant and enslaved but are very difficult to set free. Antichrist knows this full well.
The Son
Only the Father IS God. The Word WAS God in the beginning but the Father gave the Son life of His own: Life in himself.
Jesus has life in Himself
Jesus is not God. Jesus has life in Himself. He said so. The Father gave Him this.
Jesus is not God. Jesus has life in Himself. He said so. The Father gave Him this.
Saturday, 8 August 2020
Do you want to know the truth about Jesus?
Do you want to know the truth about Jesus? Do what Jesus said to do in John 8. Stop sinning. Believe that He is. Believe that His existence is from before the world began. Believe that He existence will be forever. Believe that He is the one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. Then hold to His teachings to truly be His disciple. Then, and only then, you will know the truth.
Evolution or Creation looking the same from the fossil evidence
If a being is created, precedence can be used to create that being using existing beings as a template. There might be subtle variations each time it happens. An almost extant record of such an event is found in the early texts of the Epic of Gilgamesh with the creation of Enkidu, a wild man created to subdue the roguish Gilgamesh. Each creation can therefore improve on or modify the previous one to better fit the current environment. In effect this kind of creating will leave all the same fossil evidence as if there were macro-Evolution taking place.
The Cross
The cross has great, ancient meaning, before the Christ was crucified. That is why it is so prevalent in medicine too. In most ancient times the cross (‘MASH’) meant a sacrifice opening the way to the gods giving revelations to humans. Christ’s crucifixion opened the way for God to give the Holy Spirit to those who believe and receive Christ and His teachings, holding to them. This Holy Spirit wells up within them and leads into all truth. This truth sets free from the sinful ways that lead to death. This Spirit therefore gives life. Abundant life. All purchased by that cross of Christ.
Trust and Obey
Meeting the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and receiving a teaching from them and a commission gives my life meaning, purpose. It starts with faith and obedience. Initially that obedience is to the teachings of Jesus and truth of Jesus in scriptures but when the Holy Spirit gives vision from heaven it must include obedience to this too. The outcome of meeting the Father and Son and Holy Spirit proves these scriptures are a true enough record of the teachings of Jesus that they can lead to this outcome once obeyed. Translation issues come to light but the tenets are sound enough to start things off and the Lord fills the gaps and makes essential corrections. His grace is sufficient.
A chief value of religion is its preservation of scriptures. When I personally found God and Christ and the Holy Spirit the words of Jesus in John’s gospel helped when I found Jesus is indeed a doorway to God. The man whose existence and proximity to a disciple and also to God makes Him the one door. The mediator. Discovering this truth personally is helped by the scriptures of John and Paul because they confirm in words what I find in reality. They prove what I discern. My reality in turn confirms to me the truth of these scripture writers’ testimonies.
I am He
“I am He”. Jesus was explaining to men that He is the One mediator between God and man. That unless they believe this, they will die in their sins. He was explaining that before Abraham was born He exists. His existence as mediator covers all time, is from everlasting past to everlasting future.
The real meaning of Christ
By zealously insisting that Jesus’ use of the phrase recorded in John’s gospel “I am ...”, insisting it is tied to Trinitarian ideas that He declared Himself Yahweh people are in danger of missing what Jesus actually said and meant. Don’t mess with this. John’s gospel, such as chapter 8, provides a document of the terms of covenant which is the basis for your eventual salvation (if you ever listen well enough to receive it instead of merely looking for Trinitarian support verses). See the end of John’s gospel where he writes about the reason for the gospel, that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ. By “I am He” Jesus meant “I am the Christ”, “I am the Son of Man”, “I am the Son”. There are many such “I am ...” sayings of Jesus recorded in this gospel and they all amount to the same thing, building up a description of what it means that He is the Christ. It is essential to not only assent to calling Him the Christ but to believe what it is that He is. Remember He said that unless you believe He is this one, you will die in your sins.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Two new commandments
The Christ effectively added two more commandments to the Ten Commandments. 1. To live by the truth revealed by His appearing in history. 2. To recognise how He loved His disciples (and does so still) and imitate that love towards His disciples too.
These are not entirely new commandments but are extensions of the existing ten, extended to include the event of His coming in history and His impact on people then and now.
These are not entirely new commandments but are extensions of the existing ten, extended to include the event of His coming in history and His impact on people then and now.
Monday, 3 August 2020
Trinity ideas and the KJV
I always thought the KJV was quite a good Bible translation but look at Titus 2:13 to see how it and so many other Bible translations distort the original meaning to push the Hellenistic Roman ‘Trinity’ idea of Christ being God. The original Greek means “Jesus Christ is the blessed hope and is the appearing of the glory of the great God and is the Saviour of us.” (Literally translated it reads “the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and Saviour of us, Christ Jesus”. See Yet the mainstream translations twist it to make it say Jesus Christ is the great God, rather than the appearing of the glory of the great God.
Saturday, 1 August 2020
Absolute Truth
Truth is made in heaven. Truth is against the nature of mankind. All Cretans are liars, said the Cretan. Yet the Cretan was the prophet of Zeus and so was able to tell the truth by prophecy. Truth starts in heaven where truth is still the regime. It comes to humans chiefly by the power of the message that Christ died for us. This is how we know the truth of God. Then the power of heaven can make us truthful. Then it’s up to us to persist that truthfulness by making it habit. This breaks the cursed cycle of lies. Once the lying is broken the truth can be known and since its source is heavenly it can be pragmatically absolute, a phenomenon of real religion.
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