
Thursday, 13 August 2020

The Nietzsche Nightmare

Having probably caused both WW2 and the Cold War, and foresighted awareness of it possibly leading to his madness and suicide, Nietzsche knew full well about gazing into the abyss and the angel of the abyss seized the opportunity. So yes, prewar Germany fought the nightmare of imperialist religiosity and defeated the pseudo-faith of the enlightenment sorcerers making the masses believe atheism had triumphed but every action has a reaction and the alternatives became a worse nightmare with first Communist atheism, then Nazi atheism then both waging war on nominally religious imperialism and on each other to find the overlording master ideology, but imperialism came back like a boomerang and mastered the West, leaving just the Far East outside its imperial reach. The real war is the attempt to escape the clutches of religious imperialism. Brexit shows the peaceful way - just walk out.