
Saturday, 31 October 2020

At some point

 At some point you have to quit lying and other sinning or you just die a sinner, condemned. Christ died for you.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

What makes Jesus special?

 If Jesus is known for teachings, why are rabbis who taught the same not well known? What makes Jesus special is authority.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

The Absurdity of Atheism

 It is actually difficult to dislike Ungod since nobody is certain what Ungod is like. This also makes it difficult to put much thought into Ungodism. Or Aungodism. I tend to think in theory I must be an aungodist because I believe Ungod does not exist. But I have no idea what being an aungodist is like since if Ungod certainly does not exist there is nothing tangible to go on. 

I tend to think it is more sensible to identify as an Aungodist rather than an Aungod2ist. There would obviously be infinite non-existent gods (including Ungod2 and Ungod3) I could identify as not believing in but I would tend towards some kind of generalisation, requiring a generic Ungod. But if I identify with not believing in Ungod then it could be construed as very specific to Ungod, not to Ungod2 or Ungod3. Perhaps I should identify as an A<ungodx>ist. I guess for that term to get traction we need to simplify it to Aungodxist. Not easy to say. Auntheistxist is no better. Perhaps I best forget this Aungodism thing as a non-starter. It works better with a real god to not believe in just to get a bit of traction and give it some meaning.

Friday, 23 October 2020

The evidence is there to find

 Look into the physical evidence of cuneiform tablets about crosses and sacrifices made to make way for a vision of prophecy, an oracle. That is the very meaning of the ancient symbol of a cross used since 3500 BC up until less ancient times. There are physical tablets which when deciphered provide evidence of this. That cross and blood of Christ made way for the Holy Spirit and prophesy which followed. God who provided this is seen in it. It is evidence of God. You merely need to understand and know. You can find it in secular sources on the internet.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Which god is God?

Which god is God? People such as the Ancient Greeks used to sacrifice on altars which had images carved into them of the gods to whom the sacrifice was dedicated. If people sacrifice on an altar with an angel carved into it, that sacrifice was being made to that angel to appease that angel. Now a sacrifice made on an altar of uncut, natural stone, to whom is that sacrifice made? That is God.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

A dangerous myth

 The idea that you can just ignore God and live your life just as well is a bit of a dangerous myth. Without a deep-down level in your psyche where fear of God is allowed to influence you, you become somebody difficult to correct since correction requires motivation coming from that level of your psyche. When someone cannot be corrected they are very dangerous when given responsibility over others.

Friday, 16 October 2020

First step to freedom

 Believing Jesus is the one whose goings forth have been from most ancient times and even from before earthly times “from everlasting” as Micah prophesied, this is the first step towards freedom from sin. 

(Micah 5:2, John 8 )

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Seven doctrines given me by God

 Seven doctrines given me by God:

God only supports our humble truth

Having believed Christ died for me and been given the Holy Spirit I must build the Temple

God the Father alone is God

Jesus, having showed Himself to me alive, has the faith which He commands us to have and He is Lord and Master, teaching what He always taught, and He is God’s Son.

The Holy Spirit tells how Nature is all day by day subject to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ as is the eternal nature of Nature

Israel has sinned (mass surveillance is a sign of this)

Persecutions will come because of this fear of God and devotion to Him but God sends angels as guards just as He did with Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego in the fiery furnace

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Relationship #1

 We can be one with Jesus as Jesus is one with the Father. That is the mystery relationship and there is no beating it. Realising it has happened is #1.

Sunday, 11 October 2020

The primary truth

 The thing is, the truth is, into which the Holy Spirit leads those who follow, this Jesus was there at the beginning, primary in the creating of the universe because the Father chose Him to be so, such that the universe as it formed obeyed His name’s authority and power right from the very start of matter and energy coming into existence, as creations took shape, the name of Jesus formed the processes the creations of God obey. There was the Son in full glory. There was the name of the Son with full authority which He has. This is who they crucified! Israel has sinned. Love Him now, do not hate Him like they did. Love the Father who sent Him. God gives no photo to put in a frame of Jesus but the words the Holy Spirit speaks of Him and these words we should put up in full view and teach to our children that we and they never forget His glory.

Your primary influence

 When we grow up we learn ways which come from the one who influences people to lie and angrily hate without just cause. We get trapped into that kind of behaviour. Everyone tends to. That is why it is essential to be born again so we instead have our behaviour taken over and influenced by God who never lies. That takes the work of the Holy Spirit and it comes about because Christ was crucified and God raised Him again to live forever. 

Majestic presence

 When Jesus sends a person they acquire some of the characteristics of Jesus in that they bear His good news and this means a kind of glory accompanies them which also accompanies Jesus. Lord Jesus has a tremendous presence. He fills the immediate surroundings with Himself. I think this is part of the meaning of the word for Lord in Greek, Kurios. I think a person sent by Jesus carries some of this characteristic. It is His majesty.

Living stones of the holy Temple

 In my visits to churches I have come across many spiritually gifted, prophetic believers who are truly genuine. Yes, there are many, many fakes, trying to gain trust of believers to be able to use that trust to do more hurtful damage in hope of discouraging believers into falling away. Yet there are clearly real prophets of all ages participating in local church groups where participation is allowed and encouraged. I hope these all grow closer together as the Temple and build each other up in the most holy faith, faith that Jesus shares.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

The Temple of God

 The Temple of God: those who follow the Holy Spirit leading into all truth.

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Before Abraham was born

 The Son of God is a truly amazing person who tells truthfully how things were before creation but our feeble minds think He means other things. He tells it because He was involved in it. He speaks of what He knows. He testifies to what He sees. Yet few accept it and realise what He is saying because it is too much to believe that He was there before Abraham was born.

Religious folk who despise prophesyings

 Religious people who despise visions and prophesyings, forget that most religion and scripture came about that way, by spiritual perception of things invisible to the masses, shepherds seeing a host of angels, Joseph and Mary seeing archangels, John the Baptist being told to watch out for a spirit dove, Moses seeing a bush burning but not burning up, John seeing a long, long vision of the last days, Paul seeing a light and hearing a voice unpercieved by his companions, Jesus seeing Satan fall from heaven, Isaiah seeing the robe of the Lord fill the temple, Abraham seeing a pitcher of fire pass between carcass halves, Ezekiel seeing lightning flash between angelic beings, many seeing a walking executed man rise steadily into the sky and Stephen while being stoned (not the drug induced stoned, the execution kind) seeing/perceiving Christ at the right hand of God in glory.

Father and Spirit

 God the Father is not the Holy Spirit nor vice versa. I know that first hand from Him. I guess God has to show this to others first hand for them to believe it but I must give the testimony of truth God has given me directly on this, even if nobody believes me.


 Wouldn’t it make an interesting election if every voter before being allowed to vote, had to first give the police a formal witness statement regarding whatever persuaded them to choose their preferred election candidate. Then there would be true evidence of what persuades voters. It would be like faith and belief if their persuasion was full persuasion. It might be that these statements could then be used to persuade others. Here is a parallel to what has happened in Christianity.

Son of God

 If Jesus had said He is God the Jews might have tolerated it because it would be a blatant lie and so obviously a lie, given what they knew about the Father, the LORD, so then they would treat Him nicely like they usual did with false teachers. Trouble for them was “Son of God” was believable because the Christ was expected. So the possibility of Him being believed by many in the crowds threatened them. It was as close to saying He is equal with God as He could say truthfully without the silliness of falsely trying to claim God’s individual identity.


 Angel: is probably the same as a god or divine being: not necessarily God, so a divine being other than the Father. The ‘el’ on the end of ancient names, which is a star symbol in ancient cuneiform as used by Daniel who told us much about angels, signifies dignitary, noble, ‘star’ or ‘aristocrat’, but also divine being, god, angel. Sons of God is the term in Genesis and Job. Daniel saw several who he described as like a man, but seen in a heavenly context, sometimes a vision. One of these was described in Revelation in exact same terms as in Daniel. That one is identified in Revelation as Jesus. So John is telling us it is the person seen by Daniel. Similar to a human before incarnation but also similar to an angel.


 There is the importance of the truth that Jesus is. The importance of what Jesus is. A being from the mouth of God yet with individual life and existence even before all creation was created. Then there is the importance of what Jesus has. The Holy Spirit anointing without limit since God chose Jesus to be the One to save you (and I) from sin. Then there is the importance of what Jesus teaches and the knowledge of truth He gives. This is now imparted by the Holy Spirit too. Then there is the importance of what Jesus did and does. He died on a cross for you (and me). He rose from the dead. He lives forever. He mediates for you (and me) with God. He judges. He leads. The Holy Spirit leads too in the Lord Jesus Christ’s name. 


 Believing Jesus is. That is the first step. Adhering to what He said and the Holy Spirit teaches. That is second step. Then truth sets free. The church went awry when it started putting the cart before the horse and expecting knowledge of truth without first these two steps.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

The One

 You need to believe Jesus is ‘the one’ if you are to become a true follower of Jesus. God can say ‘I am God’ and not be arrogant or lying. Jesus can say ‘I am the one’ without being arrogant or lying. Believing this is first step towards freedom from slavery to sin.

How best to learn about God

 Why do some many versions of doctrines about God exist? It all comes down to how a person learns. Some learn only from studying scriptures. That is not the best way. The best way to learn truth is to believe Jesus is the Son of Man, Messiah, the one, then follow Him by holding to His teachings then learn truth from Him by agency of the Holy Spirit. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

How many Gods?

 For some people their God died on a cross having become human. My God sent His Son to do it. My God is not a man nor a son of man. Some end up sacrificing to the Son instead of to God, thinking it is the Son who is the one God. Even Jesus, the Son, called His Heavenly Father “My God and your God”. 

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Jesus’ trail of breadcrumbs

 Jesus is alive and can teach us to have a mature view of things but we must follow. He leaves breadcrumbs. Not literally of course. He leaves trail like the breadcrumb trail left in the fairy tale. We need to recognise the trail and follow it into truth. The writings of Revelation are a part of that trail. Hints at better knowledge than we learn at school. Read the writings Jesus left us after His ascent to the Father. Take it to heart. Ponder it on your bed. Tell these things to your children. Discuss them in your circle. The Holy Spirit can add more if we show we are following that trail. Faithful in little, faithful in much.


 FAITH: rooted from the ancient Greek word for persuasion. Being persuaded and persuading. Our ideal faith is persuasion from God Himself.

The Methuselah texts

 The Book of Enoch says a lot about Biblical Methuselah (the man who lived such a long life) and has several sections authored by him, but few realise there are some secular texts in existence other than the Book of Enoch, very ancient texts, perhaps the oldest texts in the world, which mention someone likely to be Methuselah. These texts are copies of one document called the Instructions of Sharappak. One text is kept in a museum in Chicago, the other in a museum near Oxford in England. They document the wise sayings of the father of Noah written for Noah. They mention the grandfather of Noah, calling him Ubara-Tutu, but this is probably Methuselah from the Book of Enoch and the Book of Genesis. The texts clearly hold him in high regard. Another set of texts supports the identity of Ubara-Tutu, and records that he was king in his time, successor to Enmenduranki, probably the contemporary name of Enoch.

Meaningful events

 All the things we do where God is intrinsically involved become a meaningful message, not mere random events. They spell out the nature of Jesus. With me, storm calming by faith depicts how Jesus is the giver of peace to the mighty.

Friday, 2 October 2020

When the 2800 years are over

 Just a few decades short of the 2800 years after the Assyrian conquest of Samaria and captivity of Israel around 730/740 BC foretold by Enoch in the Book of Enoch, what comes next? What follows that soon to finish time of God’s anger? What happens when the anger is fully actioned, anger first kindled when God was rejected and ignored by the northern people of Israel; anger burning ever since? Enoch foretold a series of judgments follow. There are two or three times of judgment involving lakes of fire. The Lord Jesus told of the master of disloyal servants returning from a journey to find there are some servants deserving judgment. He told of sorting sheep from goats. Enoch foretold blind sheep being cast into a lake of fire after overly violent angels are judged similarly. This is not the very final judgment but a precursor to it. The final judgement will come more than a thousand years later. “Even so, Come Lord Jesus”.

God’s ongoing anger


The Book of Enoch shows us our times and the anger of God still ongoing for the decades in which we live. God’s anger was kindled, Enoch foresaw, in the times of what we now know as Isaiah’s and Hezekiah’s times in Jerusalem (Isaiah chapter 9), when God was rejected and ignored by the northern people of Israel. He showed anger by allowing Assyria to invade but that anger continued, Enoch foretells for us, until our time and the next few decades. Almost 2800 years on from the time that anger was first kindled and its time is just decades from ending (2800 years after the Assyrian conquest of Samaria and captivity of Israel around 730/740 BC).