
Thursday, 8 October 2020

Religious folk who despise prophesyings

 Religious people who despise visions and prophesyings, forget that most religion and scripture came about that way, by spiritual perception of things invisible to the masses, shepherds seeing a host of angels, Joseph and Mary seeing archangels, John the Baptist being told to watch out for a spirit dove, Moses seeing a bush burning but not burning up, John seeing a long, long vision of the last days, Paul seeing a light and hearing a voice unpercieved by his companions, Jesus seeing Satan fall from heaven, Isaiah seeing the robe of the Lord fill the temple, Abraham seeing a pitcher of fire pass between carcass halves, Ezekiel seeing lightning flash between angelic beings, many seeing a walking executed man rise steadily into the sky and Stephen while being stoned (not the drug induced stoned, the execution kind) seeing/perceiving Christ at the right hand of God in glory.