
Saturday, 6 March 2021

The Word became flesh

 The truth and spirit of Jesus’ teachings were there with the Father before, long before, Jesus came in flesh and blood. The Holy Spirit points to the veracity of the Book of Enoch scriptures saying that this truth and spirit took form before being flesh and blood. Even in Enoch’s time millennia before the coming of Christ in flesh this form existed, the Book of Enoch strongly suggests. This explains the Book of Daniel and Book of Revelation together implying Jesus was taken into the presence of the Father, Ancient of Days, even in Daniel’s time, manifest in the form of one like a man, like a son of man. This Son of Man taught of by the Book of Enoch and with whom Jesus identified Himself. That existence of spirit and truth had humanlike form. Logically it leads to the deduction that as soon as the first cell of Jesus existed the existence moved to it from what existed before. The manifestation took human flesh.