Thinking now, it is Saturday evening, so it is Sunday communion online tomorrow morning. Letting Jesus in. Such a powerful yet simple ceremony introduced by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago, extending the Passover introduced by the Father more than a thousand years before that. Remembering Jesus and taking in Jesus’ body and Jesus’ blood symbolically but spiritually in this ceremony, showing the death Jesus offered of the holy body and blood of this holy only begotten Son of God on the cross. It started the covenant between God and the disciples of God’s holy Son. Food of eternal life. We kept the feast online during lockdown and we all know what time to attend bringing our own red wine and bread, so though we are many in various houses, we link up at once knowing others do the same. I like to continue it even now lockdown is ending. So simple yet so powerful. So holy. Jesus present in spirit. Lord over us all. Lord having died and risen by the will of God who sent Him.