Not a time to trust any superpowers right now. Their power is as a foundation of sand when a storm is coming and the house needs to withstand rising water levels and torrential rain. Now is time to trust God and trust the Christ, Jesus, sent by God. Their teachings are the most solid foundation for our lives. Some foundational teachings of Jesus Christ:
Give to those who ask of you - without letting anyone know you are doing it.
Have faith that God will make happen what you command with undoubting faith to happen.
Be watchful for opportunities to pray and for causes to pray about for the overall cause of Jesus Christ.
Forgive those who do you wrong, especially forgiving them as you ask God for forgiveness of your wrongs.
Do not worry about how you will get by, just like the birds do not worry how they will get by. Trust God to care.
Build back better with your focus on those who believe in and obey Lord Jesus the Christ.
Turn from lying and hating, idolatry and fornication. Let the teachings of Jesus cleanse your life from all such things and the Holy Spirit work within you to cleanse you and make you pure.
Continue in all this and let the words of Jesus remain within you. Then Jesus will raise you to life at the resurrection and give you life forever, as promised for those who believe in who Jesus truly is.