
Thursday, 16 February 2023

Creation intra vires

 There are legal terms ‘ultra vires’ and ‘intra vires’ which are about the authority needed to conduct some kind of action within an organisation and ‘ultra vires’ relates to conducting actions without the necessary authority, while ‘intra vires’ is conduction actions with proper authority. The work of creating Nature and of maintaining Creation, Nature, throughout time is work requiring authority from the ultimate pinnacle of authority - the one true God. Angels participating in this work cannot act in ultra vires. They must act intra vires. They must do it according to the ordinances of God and there is a heavenly, divine ‘oath’ which exists to ensure this is done and the Son of Man, the word, his name is part of this oath. God authorises all creation work and maintenance of order in creation on an ongoing basis. Angels carry out tasks involved in this but all of the authority comes from the Most High God, the One True God, Yahweh, the Father. It all involves the authority of the name of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, the Lord, God’s Son, firstborn over all creation.