
Wednesday, 1 November 2023

What the holy gospel is and what it isn’t

 The holy gospel is not about knowing facts about Jesus. That is not the gospel. It is not about agreeing with encyclopaedia articles about God. That is not the gospel. It is not about agreeing with statements of faith. It is about loving Jesus Christ, believing him to be alive from the dead. It is about joy at who he is and awe at what God the Father achieved by sending him. It is about God giving us a mediator with Himself forever, a truly bona fide one, faithful and true. It is about the Holy Spirit sustaining us with water of life from Jesus Christ the fountain, until Jesus returns. It is about knowing Jesus the Lord and not only about knowing facts about him. It is all the wondrous things he has done by God’s power and continues to do and his disciples even today do along with him. It is about the power of God demonstrated to us in ways that inspire confidence within us that facts alone cannot give us. It is about lovingly holding to his teachings.